Chapter 13

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The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

- Psalm 19:1

It wasn't until Thursday came that Ryan even laid his eyes on Lexi. She cried herself to sleep every night until that day. He came to her locker and took her bag right before she was able to shove it in her locker.

"Hey, look, I can't believe myself. I was awful and I finally realized I need you," he looked at her, his silver eyes shining.

She smiled, "I've missed you."

He kissed her on the cheek while swiftly sliding her bag in her locker. They held hands walking to their first class and sat. James came in later then usual and set his books down, ignoring Ryan who was asking him why he was late. Lexi shook her head when they simply glared at each other silently. Lizzy came running over with Deshawn following at a lagging place. Lexi stood to embrace Lizzy loosely. Lexi watched over Lizzy's shoulder as James stiffened and then hurried over to Deshawn before he got too far in the room. They whispered and then came over slowly.

"Hey, Liz, can I talk to you for a minute?" Deshawn said, as if it was no big deal. She looked lost as he gentely pulled her back a ways. They discussed for a while before returning to the group. Lizzy was a little pale, but she smiled reassuringly.

"Well, we've got to get to class. Skate park after school?" she raised her eyebrows at Lexi and smiled.

Lexi nodded and clicked her pen before remembering it was math and shoving her pen back in the spiral binding and reaching for her pencil case. Ryan placed a pencil in front of her. She smiled, "Thanks."

Class began and her day followed almost as always, with Ryan walking her to class and a kiss on the cheek at her locker. She got off the bus after school at the skate park and walked in to see Deshawn on his board and Lizzy with her notebook. The page was surprisingly blank.

"Writers block?" Lexi said smiling.

Lizzy started and then turned slowly. "Yes and no. Look, the more people I share a secret with, the easier the burden. There is a lot for us to speak of. The only people I have trusted with this are my parents and Deshawn. Now James also knows and I know about him. Even my brothers and sisters don't know."

Lexi watched her carefully, "Is there anyone in this world who isn't magic?"

Lizzy laughed, but it was a nervous laugh, "Most of the preps aren't. You aren't. Not that you're a prep. I'm only... somewhat human."

Lexi frowned, very confused at this.

"You see, werewolves are half human, elementals are people with essence of their element strongly in them, and I am a fairy more or less," Lizzy looked away.

"What? Where are your wings?" Lexi said quite perplexed.

Lizzy sighed, "Fairy's aren't what most people think. One becomes a fairy by having a winged demon enter them."

"A... winged demon?" Lexi was having a hard time taking all this in.

"Demons are dark spirits, spirits come in animal forms. When a demon enters a human, the demon imprints itself. Even if the demon leaves, the imprint stays. In my case, I have raven wings tattooed on my back. The demon has left in my case. I can practically bring the tattoo to life and I have wings," Lizzy explained.

Lexi looked at her in amazement, "It's kind of hard to believe all this."

Lizzy smiled, "I've got a great idea. Come here at ten tonight and we will all give you an example of what we can do."

Lexi smiled, "Really?"

"Yup. I'm sure they won't mind. I'll ask," Lizzy said brightly.

Lexi felt a little better once Lizzy's tone changed back to normal. She relaxed a little and said good bye before jogging home. She ate and quickly did her homework extremely excited about what she might see that night. She was surprised when the phone rang.

"Hello?" she said slowly.

"Hey! Want me to pick you up?" James said.

She bit her lip, "Sure."

"Alright, be there in a few minutes. Bring a sweater, it's kind of chilly," he said.

"Bye," she said hanging up.

He pulled up a while later and she gave her mom a hug before leaving. It was a bit colder than it had been and she was glad James had reminded her to bring a sweater. She got in and was too excited to speak on the way there. When she got out she was surprised to see Lizzy in a tank top. Deshawn tried to offer his hoodie, but she shook her head. They walked behind the park where there was a small wood where they wouldn't be seen. The almost full moon gave enough light for Lexi to clearly see her friends. Lizzy walked forward and turned so Lexi was looking at her back. Sure enough two black and very realistic wings were tattooed across her. Slowly the feathers became three dimensional. Lizzy lifted four inches off the ground, beating the wings.

"As you can see, I have real wings. I'm just good at hiding them," she said lowering herself and letting the wings sink into her back.

Lexi was staring open mouthed, "Amazing."

Deshawn stepped forward and smiled faintly. He held up his right hand and from the center of his palm water came and poured down his fingers. He slowly stopped the water and his palm glowed blue for a moment. Then he let water from a puddle on the ground shoot up and wrap around him placing a spinning cocoon of water there. All of a sudden the spinning stopped and the water poured off him and he grabbed Lexi's hand, placing it on his hoodie and she was surprised to find it dry.

"A water elemental. Born from woman and sea," Deshawn said, his blue eyes splashing playfully.

James stepped forth. His image twisted a millisecond before a large black wolf sat before her. His silver eyes as full of silver as the moon. He gave her a doggy grin before speaking.

"Werewolf through and through. I obey to the full moon and was a wolf turned half human," he said. He walked over to her and she petted him which turned awkward because he turned human under her hand. She slowly took her hand from his dark shaggy hair. "Might want to think before petting a dog's head. It's like petting a human's hair."

She blushed, "Sorry."

He shrugged it off and they left the small wood. James took her home and she stayed silent until they reached her house.

"Do you prefer being human?" she asked.

He turned into a wolf on the driver seat which looked ridiculous, "I was born a wolf, and wish I could live my days as one." He changed back. "We can't all have what we wish for."

She nodded and went in her house and climbed right into bed, her head spinning. The truth had finally hit her and no matter how strange her friends were, she was beginning to love how crazy Montana was.

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