Hella awkward.

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A/N: Sorry if I change/skip parts of the game. I'm trying to get it so that my character meets Chloe faster and also change it as well to make it a little more fun for me to write. 

The Next Day.

Sebastian's POV:

After a shower, I got dressed and ready for school. I grabbed a slice of toast and my packed lunch and locked the door. I ran down the drive and jumped into my truck. I started the engine and drove to school. Hopefully someone tells me what happened yesterday.. 

----At school----

Max's POV:

I got back Warren's hard drive and started to text him. I needed to get it back to him. He told me to meet him at the parking lot so I started to make my way there. On my way I saw Kate getting picked on by David the security guard. What a dick.. I decided to step in to the argument to help Kate but I got a shouting at... Bad idea but at least I helped Kate. She needed it in the state shes in. When I got to the lot I saw Sebastian getting out of his truck. Other than being awkward, I waved at him. He waved back and walked up to me. "Yo Max!" " Hi Sebastian." I said giving him the 'Bro-shake' as guys do. I though about trying to fit in. " So hows you doing?" He asked me in his accent. Damn it was cute... "Oh... Um just giving this hard-drive back to a friend."I stuttered. Why was I stuttering? This is so awkward... "Cool. Can I hang with you today?" "Sure." So we both walked together up to Warren. "Hey Max." Warren said. "Here's your hard-drive." I said passing it to him.

Narrators POV:

Warren felt a little awkward. Max just rejected his hug. Heh... He scratched the back of his neck with his hand.He took the hard-drive and looks at Sebastian."Who's this dude?" He asks. "Oh... This is Sebastian. He's new here." Max introduces. "Hello." Sebastian said giving a awkward wave. "Sup.. I'm Warren." Holding out his hand. Sebastian shakes it. Out of no where, Nathan appears. "Oh lookey here. The bitch who ratted me out." Hummed Nathan. "What do you want?" Max asks nervously. "To teach you a lesson." Said Nathan walking up to Max and grabbing her by the throat. Max gasps for breath. "Get off me!" She manages to say. "Don't rat me out like that you bitch!" He growls. Warren and Sebastian jump at Nathan and knock him to the ground. He fights back. Sebastian stands up and lets Warren take care of Nathan but he is winning. Suddenly a truck appears. A female driver with blue hair notices Max."Max?" "Chloe?" They both seem to know each other. "You two go I'll stay here with Nathan!" Warren gasps. "You two get in quick!" Chloe shouts.Sebastian and Max jump in the truck as it drives off. "Thanks Chloe." Max says. "Yeah.. Thanks.." Sebastian stutters. "You're welcome.That was hella scary.." Chloe says. Max nods. The rest of the drive was Hella awkward.

A/N: Sorry for the shitty paragraph. I have no creativity what so ever. So this is just out of my imagination. I tried to get some of the games plot in there aswell soo... Yah.. Hope yah like it XD.. Bassy-chan out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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