Surprising Affinity

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"-gha!" A sharp cough slammed a cold liquid down his throat, his eyes snapped open as he dug his way up to the surface. Throwing his body up and out, he violently spits out his stomach's continents, his hands on his knees for support as his body was racked with shivers of surprise.

He took in a long, slow, breath and wiped his mouth looking around in confusion. "Wha..?" He carefully stood to full height and glanced down at the water rushing between his legs. He turned around and gazed out in surprise to find a body of saltwater as far as he could see.

His head tilted in confusion before looking at the city behind him, full of color and brilliant in the night. "... Earth?" His eyes narrowed in deep thought, he couldn't remember how he got here.

Taking a long look below him in the water, he lifted his hands to his face in bewilderment noticing the difference in his appearance. The Rit Zien gazed down at the slightly-curly dark hair and the bright blue eyes. He stood at six foot, and apparently, had no clothing other than a pair of... swimming shorts? Is that what they call them?

The shorts were red, white, and black designed. Phanuel got an abrupt, fuzzy memory of the vessel buying them at a store with someone... The figure was taller than him by a few centimeters, he couldn't see past the smeared image to see their face, but the bright green eyes shown through easily enough. The emotion sent chills down the vessel's arms and legs.

In a flash, he was pelted by all the memories of the vessel he was occupying. His name was Colin Morgan. The figure was a woman named Kate Mcgrath. And she was his fiance.

Kate's face snapped inside of his mind, her long black hair getting tangled in Colin's fingers, the dimples exploding on her face as she laughed and pulled in closer, her alluring light eyes trained on Colin's own-

Phanuel blinked Colin's eyes fast and the image disappeared and was replaced with London again. He took in a deep breath and held his hand to the vessel's heart, it was rapid and loud in his ears.

He breathed out in a huff. "What is this- this feeling?" Phanuel gulped once more and a sudden wind blew at his back, the tide was coming in.

Biting his lower lip, Phanuel slowly trudged through the water toward land in thought. Could Cupid be a reason for this? They do cause strong emotions to surge up... His head tilted in confusion, But then why am I stuck in Morgan's body? And why is it affecting me? Phanuel shook his head. I couldn't have asked to possess a body... and I'm sure no human can force me... How did I even get out of heaven-

"Colin! O-oh my god- Colin!" A shrill voice broke through his thoughts and Phanuel snapped his attention to a darkened figure racing to him in a sprint. He easily recognised the voice and recoiled back a step in worry. Kate...

"Uh, uh, I-" Phanuel's tongue twisted in on itself as the figure seemingly leaped up and on him in a fierce hug, Phanuel had to take a step back and froze, arms suspended in the air not knowing what to do.

He gulped down a breath unsurely, and struggled to be the Colin she knew. "I- I-, uh.. s-sorry-"

"-Yeah, what the hell were you doing?" She whipped away from him in sudden anger, the Rit Zien's eyes widened at the intense emotion bombarded at him as she stood fidgeting back and forth. She held up her right hand to her mouth, Phanuel noticed her hair was messily mushed into a bun and she wore a blue scarf, sweats, and a thick long-sleeved sweater.

Her eyes narrowed suddenly noticing his attention was altered. "Are you listening Colin?"

His lips opened, and he couldn't help but lick them in worry. "Uh, y-yeah. It's, a... cold.." She stared at him silently, and nodded once, then again turning her face away.

"Yeah... I could guess that..." Kate bit her upper lip and slowly unwrapped her scarf, moving over to Phanuel and draping it on his shoulders. She stared at it before looking in Colin's- now Phanuel's- eyes in silent question.

"Well, let's get out of the water and home alright?" Kate smiled unsurely and took his hand, walking out to the sanded beach. Her grip sent a mixture of emotions through the hold, an intense heat, a cold weariness that was clashing in her mind and causing her uneasiness.

Phanuel felt a stab of regret, he was clearly hurting the girl in some way he didn't understand. He'd never really experienced human emotion before, it was always his brothers or the angels he was fixing. How does he fix a human?

Do I just... take the bitterness and replace it? He clutched her hand gently, sending a flow of peace and harmony in a soft glow of orchid pink through their intertwined hands.

Instantly, Phanuel saw Kate's back relax, and her pace slow. The tight furious grip she had dragged him with loosened, turning to a silent but scared apology. She had been shaken up from thus experience. He smiled lightly and walked up next to her, knocking shoulders and smiling over at her. Kate looked back at him in surprise but laughed quietly, almost as soft as the wind blowing tenderly at their backs.

A tranquil aura surrounded them as Kate strolled to her car and Phanuel immediately remembered. The late night car rides, the joy and rush of the wind through the windowless doors. The old, black jeep. These were Colin's memories.

She opened it up and swung herself inside, glancing at Phanuel for a split moment as if checking to make sure he's really there, Kate nodded to herself and started the vehicle. Phanuel let his vessels memory do the work and his hands automatically lifted to buckle himself in.

Feeling the vehicle move, he bit his lip in worry. 'I'm going to have to leave, I don't want to mess up anything planned for Heavens will or cupids...' Phanuel glanced over to his car mate and spoke softly "Sorry."

"Hm? You say something?" He could hear Kate's voice distantly as he mentally lifted his body up and out of the vessel, when he was violently snapped back down.

His eyes widened suddenly at the fierce, merciless pain racing up and through his body and let out a piercing scream. "GHAAAAAHHH!!!!" The jeep swerved on the road as Phanuel shook about in his seat uncontrollably.

"Colin!" Kate's voice was shrill but was easily drowned out by the his screams, he couldn't feel anything other than pain. A bitter, deathly agony that shook his whole being. Phanuel could feel his nerves explode and generate over and over and over and ov-

A sharp slap hit his cheek vigorously and his spasm completely stopped, his chest breathed heavily as he looked up to see a crying disturbed Kate beside him. Instantly, she fumbled about taking out her phone fast. "I'm going to call the hospital-"

"No, wa-wait... Kate-" Phanuel tried to reach her but couldn't lift his arms, the pain was still lingering on his lips and he shook with fear.

She ignored him and put the phone up to her ear, Phanuel panicked but could feel his body beginning to shut down. He could only let out wheezed, heated breaths as his eyes shut, and total darkness wrapped around him.

"I need help, my husband had some kind of seizure- I am at... Vexens, and near Hudson St-"

Then black.


I started it off fast paced, I just thought it would be cool for him to be confused as to where he was and why he had a sudden horrible pain...

Maybe I just like hurting my characters...

That's probably not a good thing...

Anyway, first chapter done :D But of course, it doesn't mean that I won't edit this!

Please be patient for the next chapter and bear with me :D

but it'll take more time with this one cuz my main focus is on my Naruto fanfic... this one's more like a... what's the word? Uh, when-you-can't-write-at-the-moment-and-have-writer's-block-go-to.

Thank you, and good night!

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