Meeting my brothers friends

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Her outfit is at the top x
Jessica's pov
I woke up and I could here to here Daniel shouting to me to get up.

I looked at the clock and it said 9:30 so I got up and went downstairs and went into the kitchen to find Daniel.

"What the hell are you getting me up at 9:30 for on a weekend?" I asked

"Because we are going to meet some friends of mine and you are coming with me so we can spend some time together and that you can get to know the guys," he said

"Why should I get to know them if they are your friends," I said because I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Well that's the thing do you know that when we get a week and a half off yeah well we're all going to come and live here for that week and half a week so you need to get to know them or it will be really awkward and I don't want it to be really awkward," he said

"Fine what should I wear, "I said

"Something unattractive," he said I smiled evilly and walked upstairs

I wasn't going to wear something really bad but I was going to show my brother that I could dress up if I wanted to

(Her outfits at the top)

I had just finished curling my hair when I heard my brother is calling me down

"Come on jess we are going to be late," he said

"Okay I'm coming," I said

"What the hell I said unattractive," he said

"Oh I thought you said look attractive my mistake," I said

"Go change," he said

"No I can't be bothered and I look fine," I said

He was going to say something but his phone started ringing

One side of the convo

"Yeah man I am coming I am just telling my sister to change"

"Yeah I know but she can't go out to meet you guys like this"

Then I took the phone

Both sides of the convo

"Hey I'm sorry we haven't officially met but I am Daniel's sister and please will you tell him I look fine and that I can go out in these clothes," I said

"Yeah sure," a hoarse voice said

I put it on the loudspeaker

"Dude she looks fine now get you ass down here before I have to drag you down," he said

I giggled

Then my brother took his phone of me and said that we will be 5 mins and we got in his car.

Skip car ride

When we got into Costa we started walking over to the counter.

"Hey man what took you so long," a boy with dark brown hair said

My brother just pointed at me

"Hey your the one who said change my outfit," I said defending my self

The brown-haired boy checked me out

"Yeah maybe you should have changed your outfit," he said

"Why?" I said

"Not that I don't like it it's just we are going to a table with 5 boys including me who like girls and you're going to be the only girl," he said

I blushed that he liked my outfit

"Thanks and I can handle them I have to put up with him 24/7," I said

He laughed

"Hey I am Carter," he said

"Hey Carter I am Jessica," I said

"Would you like a drink?" Carter said

"Yeah please can I have a chocolate chip frappe," I said

Then I passed him the 5-pound note for my drink

"No it's okay I'll pay for it," he said

"I can't let you pay for my drink we just met," I said

"Well think of it as a meeting gift," he said

"Are you sure?"I said

"Yeah, of course, go sit down with your brother and all them and I will bring the drinks over," he said

"Thank you," I said and went to the table that my brother was sat at

"Hey guys this is my sister Jessica and she's off-limits understand," my brother said

They all noded

"Well now that the awkward bit is over hey I'm jess and it nice to meet you all," I said

They laughed and introduced them self's "Hey I'm Oliver, "a boy with light brownish hair said

And they all introduced them self's I will put them under this


Then Carter came over and handed me a chocolate chip frappe and he had one for his self

"Hey dude where's ours," Daniel said

"Why don't you go yet your own you made us wait and I'm not paying for all you" carter said

Then they all got their own drinks and I had met them all they all seem cool so I guess it's going to be different and I'm going to have to tell Luke that I'm not going to be living with him for a week and a half
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter sorry I haven't updated in a while but I will try to update more

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