Hourglass (Harry)

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  • Dedicated to my grandfather...


I dedicate this to my grandfather who's now resting in heaven...


As he walks to the hallway he always memorize through the times he always visited. The flowers that were always resting on his back to give it to her. The smile he always plaster whenever he’s in front of her door.

As he turns the door knob and makes his way to her bed, the only figure he always notices was the lovely girl waiting and plastering a smile to him. The girl he loves and treasures in his life. His love.

And whenever he kisses her forehead and asks her how she’s doing, the only response he always gets was.

“Still trying to live.”

He always force a smile just  to get her feel happy and comfortable but deep inside he was hurting as much as she does too. He never showed it to her, scared that he’ll hurt her even more now that she’s in pain. And that killed him, seeing the love of his life being in pain.

“I love you, Harry. Never forget that.” She said swallowing a lump stuck on her throat as a salty liquid falls down her pale cheeks. She’d been dying to tell those words to him, she was just finding the perfect time to say.

Those were the words he never thought he will hear from her because even if they both know how much they love each other, those three words never slept on their lips. Never, not even once.

And that left Harry dumbfounded on his sit. The silence embraces them and that gave Harry a time to think. To think to the first time they met each other, to the first time they said hello, to the first time they shared a kiss and to the first time they have a fight. Those things where the ones he always treasures in his life.

As Harry heard the deaf making sounds that’s coming from the machines attach to her, he was back to reality. Reality to where he could kiss her to show how she truly meant to him. Reality to where the beep turns in to a long sound. Reality to where the doctors said those words no one wants to hear.

“I’m sorry.”

Reality to where he was ready to say those three simple words.

But he was too late because the girl he loves was gone forever. And just like an hourglass running out of sand, his time wasn't any different from it.

Harry was satisfied at the fact that he was able to hear his true love say her last words to him and he was devastated at the fact that she’s gone forever. But as to her? She never heard Harry say those simple three words back, she was a split second away but she didn’t hear them. Not even a last…

I love you.


My grandfather died about years now and I didn't visit him when he was in the hospital because I was beyond scared to see him weak and in pain. But when the night came and told us he was dead, I was in shock and just started crying. I never even saw his face with him still alive that week...instead I saw my grandad laying in his coffin, resting peacefully.

I actually hated myself that day, the fear got in to me first instead of my courage to face it. And up until now, there's still a part of me that makes me want to turn back time...

Tell the people you love them before it's too late...

Sai xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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