Time For A Change 1

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"Are you going down to the lunchroom or are you going out for lunch?" Adrian asked as we made our way out of class

I took my money out the front pocket of my book-bag and zipped it up, stuffing it into my jeans

" I don't even know'' I said shutting my locker " How about we go see what they're serving first then decide" I shrugged my shoulders looking down the hall as I waited for him to get his stuff

"That's fine with me, we still have to go tell Gavin and Trey what we're doing" he said putting the hat on his head, closing his locker as well.

"Fine by me'' I furrowed my eyes looking down the hall , just as the other class came out to collect their things for lunch like us. Scanning every single person that exited the room and still my eyes never found that one person

"Could you be anymore obvious Ray?" He asked bewildered

"Huh? what are you talking about" I snapped my head around to look at him

Chuckling while stuffing his money in his jeans just like I did five minutes ago

"You make it so noticeable that you're looking for phim, just wait till we get to the center" Adrian said shaking his head.

We started walking down the hall

" I was just trying to see if he came today that's all" I said, like it wasn't a big deal.

laughing he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer into his side

"try to look less obvious then Ray, because once he notices that you like him he'll start to take advantage of you" he spoke as we turn a corner.

I snuggled closer into him and let out a sigh " I know I know. I'm trying my best Dre" I mumbled into his chest

For a seventh grader Adrian was tall, he was taller than half of our grade and with all of that height made him intimating , but not for me. Adrian is my big body guard/teddy. opening the door to exit the third floor we began making our way downstairs and towards the basement.



Hearing all the familiar commotion coming from the lunchroom. Adrian and I turned around another corner to see a bunch of kids standing on the right side of the hall waiting to get in the lunch room

"This shit is crazy" He said behind me with his hands holding my shoulder. His eyes were wide opened intrigued with the scene before him.

We were passing all the kids that were in the line laughing, and associating with their friends when I said. "Tell me about it" shaking my head

"Its a good thing your step mom works here. This is why we've been friends for all these years" Dre laughed squeezing my shoulder in a reassuring manner

"Haha, aren't you hilarious" I said sarcastically , I looked up over my shoulder to Adrian grinning down at me.

Making our way to the front of the line I see my mom standing at the entrance into the lunchroom.

"Hey Mel" I mumbled into her chest while hugging her. My dad and Melissa have been together for almost a decade and I love her just as much as I love my own mother

Pulling away from the hug I look up to her smiling face and cant help but smile too. "Come on, you two go eat" she said motioning us into the room

I walked "Hi Melissa" I heard Adrian greet my mom. He's probably waving at her like a little bitch

laughing a bit she said "Loosing up will ya" from there on I lost interest in their conversation.I peeped into the kitchen to see what they were serving for lunch I see sloppy Joes. I scrunched up my noes in disgust and looked at it deeply. Sloppy Joes were disgusting , well the ones they made.

''Pizza?" I heard Dre whisper in my ear. nodding I agreed "Pizza".

We soon ditched the line for the Joes and began making our way to the back door in the back of the cafeteria. We ended up coming out of the lunch room just in time to see him and her walking into the line for lunch.I froze in the back door entrance staring at him. I guess they noticed our presence because they stopped walking and spoke up. "Hey, Rachel what they serving" he asked. I was too giddy inside to reply back I didn't know what to say, I wasn't prepared for this at least not at this moment. I was expecting to see him at the center not here not no-

I felt Dre place his hand on my lower back, a silent gesture telling me to calm down

"Uh, um" I couldn't conjure up a proper response. My hands started sweating so I rubbed them against my pants "Sloppy Joes" I heard Adrian say. I let out a deep breath that I never knew I was holding back and leaned more into Dre's comfort.

Lisa wrinkled her nose in disgust , the same thing I did which made me giggle.

"I know I was thinking the same thing'" I spoke pointing to her

"Yea I'm not feeling for that today" She laughed along with me

"So where were you guys going?" He asked looking at all of us

I felt the butterflies dancing all around my stomach as he looked between Dre and I but this time his eyes landed on Adrian's hand on my back since it was visible now because he and I both exited the lunchroom so now we were stood side by side

I was about to open my mouth to tell them we were heading to Panzo to get pizza but the announcement came on "Could the senior boys basketball team make their way to the gym for a brief meeting" Just as quick as I opened my mouth to speak I shut it just as fast "And the managers" everyone of them sighed except for me

Adrian leant to ear "Sorry" he whispers his breath blowing onto my cheeks

I shook my head "Its fine" I looked up at him to see him eyeing us.. why?

Lisa poked his side "We're gonna miss lunch if we go to this meeting". She was trying to get his attention but he wouldn't budge

"how about I buy you's lunch for you guys?" i said looking at all of them than turnt around to look at Dre

"sounds good to me, you know what I want right? " he rose a eyebrow at me

"of course I do" I spoke irritated

'good" he smirked. i scoffed whipping around to look at Lisa and Jahvon

he clenched his jaw looking down to feel around his vest-jacket for his money

"here" she said pushing out her arm to hand me her money "can you get me a veggie please" she smiled walking around him to head towards the gym

Dre squeezed my side "Meet me at the center" tilting his head to get a better view

I nodded

he in engulfed me in a hug and took off

I sigh shaking my head to prepare my self for the journey when I spun around to leave totally unaware that anyone was still there when I bumped into him

i immediately stepped back with widen eyes staring at him

"i'm so sorry, i didn't know you were still standing there. I thought you had left with Li- " chuckling he said "Its fine Rach"

Rach? me? is that suppose to be a nickname for me?.

I was frozen, stuck I didn't know what to do

so I nervously ran a hand through my hair to calm my nerves. Just when I placed my hand back down to my side, he reached over to take the same hand that I just ruffled my hair with in his own , and opened it to expose my palm . I felt like my whole arm was on fire

he places a five dollar bill into my hand and says "Cheese slice with barbeque sauce please" as soon as he finished his sentence I ripped my hand out of his "Okay" Closed my palm and turn to leave, but before I could get anywhere he pulled me back around. once again the burn sensation erupted in my arm

"uh, are you dat-" he stopped just as two boys were coming out of the door behind me

"Hey smokey we have a meeting guy "Asian Andy said.

he let go of my arm to scratch the back of his neck

"um yea. Im coming right now" glancing between us he gave an apologetic smile and rushed past me mumbling a bunch of curse words

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