Chapter 7: the wedding

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Piper's POV
The day was finally here. My teenage sweetheart was soon to be my wife. Annabeth and I decided not to have a big over the top wedding, just our closest friends and family attended the ceremony but loads more people attended the night do.

I stood at the top of the aisle in the small chapel as I waited for Annabeth to arrive. I turned around to see the most beautiful girl that the world has to offer. Annabeth always looked amazing but that day, words couldn't describe how stunning she looked.
She walked up the aisle with her dad at her side to give her away. She held a bunch a white roses with one red one in the middle.
As she reached me and the alter, she said; "Princess, you look gorgeous"
I had tears in my eyes already. I whispered "I love you"
Apollo said the general wedding words.
"I do" I said choking up.
"I do" Annabeth said with a huge grin on her face.
"You may now kiss the bride"
Every one stood up and began cheer as Annabeth and I shared a long kiss. We walked out of the chapel hand in hand and got in the car that would take us to our hotel where the reception was being held.

Everyone filed in to the room full of tables and found their seats. After the sit down meal, it was time for our speeches. I stood up and tapped a knife against my glass.
"You all know what happens now right. I'll apologise now because I know that I will cry. Right, Annabeth. It was so long ago, the day we first realised our feelings towards each other. I know we were both a little drunk at the party but that kiss we shared was the best kiss I've ever had. We've been through so much together, but there's no one I'd rather have been through it with"
I glanced down and Annabeth was already starting to cry.
"You are truly amazing. You're so beautiful, smart, funny, kind, caring and the list can go on and on. Seriously, I couldn't ask for a more perfect wife. I love you so much. You are my world and more. I really don't know what I'd do with out you Annabeth. You're always here for me, you always have been. Never leave my side" tears started to roll down my face. "I love you to pieces Annabeth. I always have and i always will"
I sat down and glanced around the room. Everyone, and I mean everyone was in tears. Annabeth rested her hands underneath my chin and kissed me softly. She wiped away my tears and whispered "I love you will all of my heart Piper Chase-McLean"
Annabeth stood up and smiled.
"Piper. Where would I be without my princess. For the past 7/8 years plus you have been by my side through everything and honestly there's no one else I'd rather it had been. I may not be perfect but you most certainly are. I am well and truly in love with you and everything about you. Your smile, your eyes, your personality. You. There's no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with"
I still had tears streaming down my face.
"You know everything about me, my flaws and my weaknesses and yet you still love me. I couldn't ask for anything more. Piper, you are my everything, please never ever forget that. I love you with all of my heart. Every single last inch of it. Stay with me forever because that's how long I will love you. I can't live without you princess. I love you so much. You make me the happiest girl alive. I'm so grateful. I love you"
She sat down next me with tears rolling down her face. I pressed my forehead against hers and looked in to her eyes. "You are perfect" I whispered.
She smiled and kissed me softly.
"Even the stars can't outlive my love for you Piper. It's impossible for me to stop loving you. If I ever tried to stop needing you, my whole world would fall apart because you are my world and there's nothing I won't do to keep you by my side"
"Annabeth, that was beautiful"

As night fell and more of our friends come to the night do, it was time for the first dance. We stepped out on to the dance floor and slowed danced to "How Long Will I Love You" by Ellie Goulding.
Everything in my life was and is perfect.
As the night went on, Annabeth and I drank more and more to celebrate until we ended back in our hotel room. I fell asleep in Annabeth's arms as always.
Life could not have been more perfect.

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