Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

We couldn't get home until five in the morning. Mom was sitting in the kitchen huddling over the landline and dad was pacing the living room. George and Jane were talking to each other on the couch. They always seem to be whispering to each other whenever I came home, but I didn't think about then. I thought about how mama and dad were going to murder us for worrying them.

Duke was brave enough to go inside first. His face was too cute and innocent to yell at. He would be the shield. Mom rushed over to us and smuggled us in relief and love. She kissed the top of our foreheads as everyone else stood up and rushed to us.

"Where the hell have you two been?" asked mom. She was holding Duke at arm's length while fluffing his hair. "We've been up all night calling the police and neighbors and your school. Ellie, you didn't go to school. I was worried that some creeper had stolen my babies. Oh, I'm so furious with you two."

"I am too," said dad. His voice thundered over the house and everything went still. Dad stays mellow most of the time, but when he is mad, it is a nightmare. "You have me pacing, you mom crying, and your siblings worried sick. They said you came home, Ellie, and duke followed you. I want to know where the hell you've been and what the hell you were doing? You don't just walk in our house at five in the morning."

I explained everything. I thought about holding back some of the details like going to find Kasper, but they were upset enough and lying would not help. Duke chimed in and tried to convince our parents that he chose to get involved, but they didn't think so.

"Ellie, how could you be so irresponsible as to get Duke involved? Do you not realize how dangerous it was and how you could have gotten both of yourselves killed? There was a storm out there. This isn't some stupid video game, Duke. People get hurt when they do stupid things like what you two did," said Dad. Veins popped from his forehead and his neck. Mom stood behind him with her arms folded and close to tears. Dad threw his hands in the air and breathed out a sigh. "I can't even look at you two right now. I'm running on two hours of sleep and the last thing that I want to do is deal with this. I have a painting that needs to be done."

Mom's eyebrows shot up when she heard this. "Frank, why can't you be there for your kids? Every time there is something wrong with the family, you want to back out and go painting. This is your family, Frank, your family. Act like."

"Let's stay focused on the kids, right now. We will talk about this later." Dad turned his back on her and faced us again. I could see George and Jane exchange glances as if they knew something that I didn't, but I couldn't focus on that. My parents were still chewing me out.

"We never deal with it later," mumbled mom before she walked away.

Dad stared after her, sighed, and glared back at us. "You two are grounded for a two months. I don't want to hear anything else about it. Ellie, I need to talk to some more, but I need some sleep. The women in this family are driving me crazy."

He stalked off before shooting us another glare. Duke shrunk in size like a little puppy and I felt bad for him. I did drag him into this. I should have never went to his room that night and tell him. No one was hurt, but it could have gone wrong. He could have a broken limb or something and it was all because of me. He smiled at me before disappearing down the hall. HE left me in the room with George and Jane. They seemed more worried than angry and I was done with people yelling at me for the day.

Jane embraced me in a one armed hug and led me to the couch. She sat me down and I rest my head in her lap as the tears streamed down and onto her nightgown. She stroked my hair and George sat down next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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