Chapter Four

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   The door bell rings. It isn't anywhere near time for the party to begin. I sit up and watch the door. I stay in my bed and wait. Instead of waiting hours, I wait only minutes before a knock is at my door.
  "Come in," I croak. The door opens slowly at first. Peter stands there, looking ghostly. He rushes to my side.
  "Are you ok? You look terrible," he asks. I don't know what to tell him. I sigh.
  "Well my parents wanted to put me in therapy, I didn't take that to well. I wanted to leave. Go somewhere, but I didn't know where. My dad grabbed my waist and kept me from going. He injected me with some sort of shot and I went lump. When I woke up I was in a therapeutic hospital. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't move. I talked with my mom and the doctor. I nocked myself out and woke up here. That's when my dad told me I won't see my brothers and sisters until I'm under control. So, no I'm not ok." I say. I can feel a lump in my chest. His eyes look sympathetic.
   "I don't know how to react." Peter says after a minute.
   "I don't either, honestly," I agree. He sits next to me and gives me a hug. At first I don't react, but I hug him back and start crying. He rubs my back gently. I wet his shirt with tears.
    "I'm going to help you through this." Peter whispers. I can't say no, he will insist. I have to say no. But it's not what I want.
   "Ok." I sob. He hugs me tighter. He cares. He really cares. I love it. He cares and I love that. My mother and him care about me.
   "I won't be your siblings. I won't be your dad. I will be here. I will get you better. I want you better because, I couldn't watch my brother go through this, and I don't want the same thing that happened to him, happen to you." Peter states. I look at him through fuzzy vision.
   "What happened to your brother?" I ask in a hushed tone.
  "He gave up. He's gone, and your not going to go too. I couldn't," he stops and takes a shaky breath. "I couldn't let another person I care about go. And your mother would be devastated. I would hate it. You are... a candle that never extinguishes. And you light me in the right direction." He looks as if he's going to cry. I feel something. I don't know what it is.
   "I'm not going to be your brother. I will stay as long as I can. But I can't do it alone. You said you can help me. And I'm sure you will, but it will take time. The thing that scares me is that I won't be able to see my..." I can't even say it. I look away from him.
"I'll be your brothers and sisters. I'm not going anywhere." Peter says. He takes his finger and makes me look at him. He looks genuine. He knows me better than anyone, but I never knew that for myself. "Tomorrow school starts. I can come by and drive you, if you'd like"
"I'd like that." I say. A smile tugs at his lips.
"Thank you Peter, for coming, but I don't think you would want to be around someone like her, right now." my dad says as he walks in. Peter stands up. I look away from Peter and my dad. I stare at the sheets and grasp my comforter.
"Thank you Mr. Matthews, but I would actually prefer to be with December." Peter states. I feel his eyes on my neck. He sits back down.
"It's funny you think you get to decide who she can and cannot see..." my dad starts. I whip my head up.
"So what, you think you can take my family away, and now your taking away my company?" I demand.
"Peter... get out. I need to talk to my daughter privately." dad says. Peter looks at me. I nod. Peter gets up and leaves, looking regretful. My dad closes the door. "December, I'm doing what's best for you..."
"No, your not," I interrupt. "How would you feel if I wasn't here in the morning, huh? What if you never saw me again? How would you feel if you knew that you were the cause of my death?" His eyes widen at my last words.
"I, just want you to get better. If that what makes you get better then, do it." he tells me. He wants me gone.
"You want me gone, don't you?" He looks at me with a cold look. I wait a minute. He shakes his head yes. "WHY? What have I ever done to you?" I ask. Mom runs in the room, Peter on her heels. "SINCE WHEN DID I HURT YOU SO BAD? I THOUGHT..." I sob. My mom puts her arms around me when she sits. Peter does the same on the other side. I put my head in my hands.
"Daddy what's going..." I hear Willow's voice whisper.
"STAY OUT AND GO TO ALEXIS'S ROOM. ALL SIX OF YOU!" he yells. I cry harder. If it's so true that he's wanted me gone the whole time, then why did he want to help me? My head starts throbbing.
Suddenly, everything's dark.

There's an image in my mind. An image that scares me. I'm at the San Andreas fault. Hundreds of feet above the ground. I lean farther forward, and fall.
I scream myself awake. Peter is looking at me, terrified.
"Just..." I gasp, "... bad dream."
"You scared me so much," he says, teary-eyed.
"I'm sorry," I pull him too me. I try to slow down my pulse, but I'm frightened.
"You're shaking! What was the dream about?" he cringes.
"I was jumping off the San Andreas fault. I'm so... so... scared Peter. Why can't I smile? Why do I feel if I leave, that everything will be better for everyone..."
"But me, December. I wasn't kidding earlier. I meant what I said. You... you lead me in the right direction. You can't leave me, not like how my brother did. You're to important," he reminds me. Peter sits on the edge of the bed.
"What time is it?" I ask after a moment.
"10:42," he answers.
He gets up, and walk towards the door.
"Wait?" I say, sharply. He turns around.
"Yeah?" Peter says, exhausted.
"Will you stay with me? I don't want to be alone," I ask, without thinking.
"Of course. If it relaxes you, then... always." he walks to me. I move over. He plops himself on top of the covers. I rest my head on his chest. "Rest... you need it."
His words were the last thing I heard before drifting off.

Maybe things could be different. Peter seems to know what to do. I can follow him. The only problem is that...

I have to tell my friends...

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