Not Feeling On Top Of The World

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A/N: Okay I have planned it out, you all will get a Seven's P.O.V chapter a little bit later on in the story. Right now it is not needed but there is a point that we need  glimpse in Seven's head! (:


Annabelle's P.O.V

“Are you okay Anna?” Carollena asked as she walked into the kitchen the next morning.  

Lifting my head, I sighed. “I’m fine … just woke up this morning feeling dizzy,” I explained as I rested my head back down on the cool counter top.

“Dizzy? Is it from your pain medicine?” Carollena inquired as she turned on the coffee pot.

The sound of the coffee trickling down into the pot made my stomach turn as I started to feel hungry. “No, ran out of pills the last day we were at the cabin.” I informed her as I started to silently wonder what I was hungry for.

“Good thing you have a doctor's appointment today ... Want me to take you?” Carollena questioned as she leaned against one of the counters. Crossing her arms over her chest, she awaited my reply.

“That would be nice,” I simply said. I tried to get up from the bar stool, but the second my feet touched the tile floor, I felt a wave of dizziness consumed me.

“Whoa!” Carollena called out as she raced over and grabbed my shoulder in order to support me. “Take a seat and tell me what you need. You seem in no condition to walk,” she spoke as she helped back into the seat.

“I’ve no idea what is wrong with me,” I admitted in a low tone.

“Well, like I said, good thing you are going to the doctor. So, what do you want? Are you hungry?”

“Famished,” I told her as I placed my head back down on the white marble counter.

“Blueberry Poptart?” She quizzed.

My stomach gave a lurch at the sudden idea, “no. Do we have any mini chocolate chip muffins?” I asked.

“Ummm, let me see … yeah. Want some milk with it?”


A couple moments passed before I was stuffing my face with the most delicious breakfast ever. There were a few times, I am going to be honest, that I moaned out loud at how yummy it was in my tummy. Chuckling at myself for rhyming, I set my glass of milk down on the counter.

“Feeling better?” Carollena asked before taking a drink of her coffee.

“Yes, much. Must have not had enough sugar today.”

Carollena looked at me almost in sense that hinted she didn’t believe me. “Well, we will be sure to inform the doctor of your dizziness, just in case. Your appointment is in forty minutes. Better get dressed so we can head out of here in ten minutes.”

“Okay,” I said as I slipped off the bar stool. I smiled as my world for once, since I woke up, didn’t feel like it was spinning out of control. Walking over to the sink, I placed my milk glass in metal bowl of the sink and filled it with water. “I will be ready in exactly eight minutes,” I told Carollena before I scurried off to my room.

Once I entered I closed my door and walked over to my closet. As I opened the doors, I considered what to wear. Finally picking a loose blue tee and a pair of skinny jeans, I ambled into my bathroom.

Pulling my hair up in a tight bun, I proceeded to wash my face. When I was done getting cosmetically ready for the day, I put on my bright blue shirt. Jumping into my jeans, I lifted them up and tried to button them only to find I couldn’t. Sucking in my stomach I started to curse at myself for eating like a wild hog over the past week. I knew when I was eating out with Heaven, Seven and Carollena that I should be watching my diet, but I didn’t care I ate what I want and tried not to pay it a second thought. Only now to realize it came with the hefty fine of not being able to fit in my favorite jeans.

“It has been nine minutes, Anna. I am ready!” Carollena called out from outside my room.

I shagged in defeat and took off my jeans. “Coming!” I yelled and then dashed into my room. With little time to spare, I grabbed some sweat pants and put them on. Racing out the room, I made sure to grab my phone and a light sweater.

“Took you long enough,” Carollena teased as we made our way out of the house.

The cold air hit me like a truck on the freeway. I put on my sweater and started to wish I had gotten a thicker article of clothing. “Sorry, had a wardrobe malfunction,” I informed her as we got in the car.

“It’s cool. So, you have three more days till school starts back up, any plans?”

“No, not really,” I confessed as I buckled up. “Just have dinner plans with Seven on Saturday.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that,” Carollena said.

“What is it?”

“Well, what is going on with that situation? You know, the Leaven and Seven situations that you have tangled yourself in.”

“Ummm, nothing really. Leaven and I are not together anymore.”

“He knows that?” Carollena asked.

“I think he knows I want that,” I truthfully stated.

“Whatever you do, just be careful,” Carollena wisely told me.

“I will.”

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