Silver Sands

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The round pebbly sand flys as my hooves caress the earth for mere seconds at a time. My corse thick silvery mane glows white in the winter moon light and my nostrils flare I thrust my muzzle high into the cold night air and let my shear whinny fill the stillness of the night, it is only moments before they all arrive on the unbroken sand of the wide flat beach that makes up most of the next ten miles. My blood red coat looks copper in the midnight moon light, I am fearless of the night and the earth that I did not come from it is the black deep water filled with underwater chasms and creatures that I came from I fear the most I still go back every sunrise but only reluctantly. My truest desire is to be free of the burden I carry. I have only heard of one who gained freedom from this terrible night mare, my own mother, she lives with A short snout now but I am still a juvinile and had to accept the influence my half brother had set I was to be the overlander the one that checked the beach for short snouts before my painted brothers and sisters broke the surface and developed out of the wild white froth of the unending. I had only moments to myself before the pebbly earth broke before me and made a chesiled canyon so deep that only fascination could jump it and survive.this was to be my final test before I was placed into my inner reflection. The ground gaveway as my weightless hooves skim the earth only a moment now before my death, I don't even know now that I will survive. Surly this is just a way to rid us of the idiotic flamboyance a of the new generation? But it is to late now, the earth groans and a great gash on the earth forms immediately in the round pearls of sand I muster my remaining energy and the adrenilyn makes my heart pound harder, I am just one meter away from the death wish burden now. I bunch my remarkably supple muscles and leap into the air.i am weightless, I am flawless , I am free. I then feel the unending presence of sand below me, I open my eyes and squeal in panic, but instead of jagged jarred rocks and frothy angry rushing water, I am greeted by a sudden thud as my figure rolls several times and I groan the chasm in the earth begin to fill with wet sand.when I regain my thoughts and overcome my sudden dizziness I stand clumsily and stare at what a few seconds ago was a gaping hole in the earth. My nightmare is gone my spinning head just now begins to clear with this knowledge, my mind comes back after the short burst of happiness though I remember that my sire told me that freedom is not always free. I shake the threatening uncertainty off as it begins to prickle my skin. I rear high into the night and stomp when I come down raise my head high and let out a fearless call to whoever thinks of impossible as a statement not a suggestion, then I spin and gallop to tomorrow's awaiting sun.


The savage rears and turns and gallops off, to where I,don't have certainty.the wild, remarkable beast conquered what all the others had feared to aproach. This animal,No this beast must truly be fearless to jump,and survive, the 25 meter ravine that appeared out of nowhere. I silently disapprove of this beasts inborn intelligance,it is unruly but observant I conclude as the last piece of my mental puzzle fall into place. This is the one I must caution, for this is the one that gives it's kind their name, this aquss is more than feral this, creature, is a danger to all the rest. We cannot keep the intelligent from continuing their growth in numbers. I turn and walk along the cannacon trees that create a forest along the fifth mile away from the open beyond. I will follow the aquss tracks by sun high and cloak myself in tree foliage by night, that way my human scent will be hidden from the beast with every feature as bizzar as the whole creature it's self. The resemblance between this beast and a wet horse/kelpie amazes me. This creature born to be extinct, is perhaps the greatest mystery I will ever seek. ebony and soundless to my own kelpies side, now my dear lochness, my closest friend, looks at me with no intention to drown me in the deep waters of the beyond, only with thoughtful protectiveness over his truest other half. We are inseparable. He had been so much a savage when I met him that fascination overwhelmed my once broken soul, together we mended each other and now he is better than any creature I had ever lay eyes on. I mount unto his wide but slender back, lochness is wrongly mistaken for a thouroughbred with a slight Arabian build.only a kelpie can be mistaken for the Arabic thouroughbred.i cluck softly but he is already moving, he can read my thoughts it seems but he just knows my commands, as we inch out of the thick foilage I spot fresh hoof prints. These not made from a Aquss nor a kelpie but a much much darker beast....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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