Chapter Two: Astonishment

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After we told the Electroclan what had happened when Hatch took me prisoner, and deceived me, we were all sitting in complete and utter silence. I swear you could hear a pin drop.

Ben was working on arranging plans for us to go to the ranch to see the damage the Elgen had caused. He booked us a flight with one of his friends' airlines and we were to leave tomorrow morning. No one said anything. Everyone just went to bed in silence.

I woke up to the sound of Ostin practicing some more Chinese.
"Hey," I said, "don't you think it's a little early for that?"
"No, I was just wanting to practice before we leave." He said.
"Carry on then," I said.

I walk to the kitchen to see Taylor making breakfast. She turns around and smiles. Her eyes were red and puffy. You could tell that she had been crying.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just nervous about going back to the ranch. Who knows what we'll discover."
"Yeah, but we just have to cross our fingers and hope for the best."

Jack and Abigail walk into the kitchen. "What's for breakfast?" Jack asks.
"Rice and whatever I found in that cupboard." she points to the cupboard above the stove.
"Can you tell everyone that breakfast is ready?" she asks Jack.
"Sure." he walks off.

Ben finally shows up after everyone is done eating.
"Ready to go?" he asks.
"Yes," I say, "we're ready."

We arrive at the runway where Ben's friend's plane is supposed to take off.
The flight to the ranch was silent. No one spoke. The plane's cabin was filled with sadness, anger, grief.
We were all afraid to see what we were about to see.

The plane finally lands after hours of flight. We were shocked to see what was in front of us.

Hey guys, so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I recently started high school and I've just been crazy busy with school, homework, band and cheer. So I hope you guys aren't too mad. So what do you guys think of this chapter? I'll try to update as much as I can! Please comment and vote! TYSM!

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