You want me to do what?!!

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A/N There is cussing. This is 2 months later.

Mac POV: I'm now 7 months pregnant and I work for Ultra with Stephen as a double agent. After Ultra we go to the lair and bring in breakouts. I walk in and Hillary mine and Stephen's partner is so annoying. She does anything to get you fired. I mean we're already agents and  she is still digging. I don't know what her problem is but she has a big one. I waddle up the stairs at the entrance. There's 4 flights of stairs then the entrance, who puts that many stairs. Someone wraps their arms around my waist and I see its Oliver. Oliver is my boyfriend and he works for Ultra as a double agent too. I give Oliver a kiss then my brother comes up. "Get a room sis." "Oh shut up." I waddle over and hug him and kiss his cheek. Oliver grabs my hand and Stephen wraps his arm around my waist to help me up the stairs. I'm out of breathe by the time we get to the top of the stairs. We run to the elevator but it's out of order which means we have to walk up 6 flights of stairs to Jedikah's office. We start to walk then make our way to a jog. After we get to the 6th floor. I go to Jedikah's office and knock before I go in. Jedikah turns around in his chair. "Mac and Stephen you don't have to knock and Oliver your practically family. I mean your in love with Mac. So you guys are on breakouts. If there's none then you have a free day." I nod and turn to train when Stephen and Oliver grab my arms. "What?" "Mac you can't train." "Watch me Oliver. Go plant your device. Don't get caught and I love you." He kisses me before going off with Stephen and Cara pops into my head. 'Mac please be careful you are my sister.' 'I know your my sister too and if the guys get caught they need someone to break them out. I love you Cara.' 'I love you too sis.' I go into the training room. I grab my iPhone and put my headphones in and the world around me disappears.  After an hour I sat down. Hillary come in and walks up to me. She punches me in the face and I fall backwards. Landing on my head. I grab her hair and push her off. We both stand up and she pulls out a gun and points it at me. I see Stephen and Oliver faces go from laughter to fear. Stephen and Oliver scream 'no' as Hillary pulls the trigger. I know she just hit my shoulder so I keep myself calm. Jedikah runs in and says ''Hillary will get her punishment.'' I hate to see people in trouble but she attacked me. Jedikah gave me,Stephen and Oliver the rest of the day off. Stephen is running to get the car as Oliver is helping me. I feel dizzy and I want to close my eyes but I must fight. Stephen speeds to the train station and we get on. We teleport into our lair and Stephen drops me and runs to get help. Luckily Oliver caught me before I hit the ground. I see Charlie crying with the rest of the kids. I would go over there but that would scare them worse. Oliver carries me to the medical table and sets me down. I see my mom come up and she fights back tears. She pulls the two bullets out of my shoulder and patches up the knife wound on my leg. I smile and hug her as I get up. "Mac?" "Yes mom?" "Where are you going?" "To train I have work tomorrow." "Love you." "I love you too mom." Charlie runs over with Callie and Brian following behind. They all hug me then Stephen and John and Cara hug me. I smile as I hug each one back. Russell hugs me an I hug him back. "Mac don't scare me like that." "I'm sorry Russ." He smirks and hugs me again. Cara hugs me again before sending me a message that says'Love you sis.' I send her one back'Love you too.' I see Oliver and he runs up to me and kisses me. I smile and he hugs me again. I wrap my arms around him and he helps me to the couch where I sit down. I decide that  training can wait that I need to have family time and relax because I'm pregnant and stress isn't good for the baby. I guess I'm really tired because I fall asleep. I wake up to my phone ringing. I answer and hang up after five minutes. I look around and see must of everyone fell asleep in the living room. I see me and Astrid got the couches being pregnant and all. I step over people not wanting to step on them. I wake up Stephen then walk over to Oliver. I tell them we got called into work and that we wouldn't be back. "Do we really have to go into work?" "Yeah there's a new breakout and Jed wants us on it." I sigh and study the mapping. "Stephen this is where Luca was last. They have us chasing after our own brother. Maybe it can be someone else but I highly doubt it."  Together we need to the breakout site and I see a guy and girl on the ledge. "Amanda are you okay?" "Yeah Mac I'm fine just get me off the ledge." "Okay I'm coming." Amanda went missing after a shopping trip but I guess a crazy breakout got her. I teleport to the ledge of the roof and I see the kill squad getting out of the cars. I grab Peter's arm and drag him off the ledge and down so he doesn't get shot. "Okay,my name is Mac and this is my brother Stephen and my boyfriend Oliver. We are not here to hurt you. Can you please trust me?" "But your with Ultra." "We're double agents, our mission is to protect breakouts and take them to our hide out. Just take my hand Peter." He reaches out and takes my hand. I teleport us to the lair and Cara and John run up to me pushing the others out of the way. "Hey sis and bro." "You scared the hell out of us." "Why?" "We saw the kill team and thought they were trying to kill you and Stephen." I hug them both then hug Russell and finally my little munchkins come running toward me. I can't bend over so Oliver picks up Callie and Stephen picks up Brian and I hug Luca. I hug all the kids and Charlie comes and I hug her. "Everyone this is Peter and of course we rescued Amanda. So another great day. Stephen it's your phone." "That's yours." I fish my phone out and it's my uncle. I hand the phone to Stephen and he answers and puts it on speaker phone.
J:Why are you answering Mac's phone?
S: She's busy with the kids, what can I do for you?
J: Well today was a set back but tomorrow we will find the tomorrow people.
S:Ok, bye

Stephen hangs up and I laugh at his expression. I wince when John hugs me again with Cara and they notice. I slowly turn around and Cara tells me I ripped my stitches and a bullet went through and through in my shoulder. I decide that if Cara and John was going to stitch me up the I wanted something to but down on. I grab a pencil and cry out but the relax and by the end I voted to never let them cut out a bullet again. I'll let my mom or let someone else do it. I soon notice John and Astrid go out and I know they're going shopping. I go out with Stephen since there was another breakout alert. It's at the store and Ultra's already busting in and I see John shot and Astrid dragged him into the closet. I teleport in with Stephen and he takes Astrid out well I fix up John's wound. It's been an hour and I'm surprised we haven't been found yet. I support John's body and teleport him back to the lair. Cara runs up and I help John to the medical table. I had to cut off his shirt and I begin to properly bandage it. "Luckily it was thigh and didn't hit any organs so he can walk with crutches." "Thank you sis." "Don't thank me yet, your not out of the woods." Suddenly the machines start beeping and Stephen comes to drag Cara back and my mom comes running. He was hiding the bullet that went through his stomach so he didn't the correct treatment there. I cut in and remove the bullet. God we need to get some gloves. I find the bullet and remove it and drop in the bowl. I bandage the wound and he starts to wake up. Well I guess it's a good thing I decided to wear an old dirty sweatshirt. I pull it off and Cara throws her arms around me then runs to John. I run to the bathroom crying because the last time I pull a bullet out was my friend Brice and he didn't survive. I scrub the blood off and soon Oliver comes in and I cry into his shoulder. He hugs me tight and I sigh because I've never cried in front of anyone. He wipes my tears and kisses me. I smile and walk out and into the training room. After awhile my hands are bleeding and getting blood everywhere so I decide to check on John. He looks at my hands in his since I was holding his hands but I pull away and check the bandages. He pulls me to sit next to him and he wraps my hands. I smile and hug him gently and go back to training. By the time I was done I was on the verge on passing out from blood loss. I fall over and hit the ground and that's the last thing I remember. I open my eyes and get up. I walk over to John to check on him and go to work with the guys. Turns out Hillary got a slap on the wrist and when I get there she drags me to the training room and shoots my thigh and tries to stab me in the stomach but I put my hand up. Stephen immediately rushed me back to the lair and I have to have an emergency c-section. I keep myself awake and out comes baby girl and baby boy. The whole lair is filled with cries. I smile and hold my baby girl for 5 minutes then switch with Oliver. Soon my mom takes them and puts them in an incubator. I cry and run away up to the roof. Soon Oliver comes out and helps me downstairs. I grab my baby's hand and I smile. "Izzy Cara Jameson and Cameron Stephen-John Jameson." My mom nods and I smile at Cara and Stephen. Turns out from all the teleporting and telekinesis my babies were actually at 8 months so they only need the incubators for a few days. I lay on the floor and soon fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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