Shay x Assassin!Reader: Part 1

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This was written very quickly during my lunch so I apologise for any mistakes made.



Shay x Assassin!Reader: Part 1

The winter was harsh on your skin, the cold bit fiercely and the wind howled in your ears as you stood behind the wall of the alleyway. News had been going around that Shay was back in town, and you were immediately assigned to kill him. To kill the traitor.

You were an assassin, a new one at that, and so to be given the opportunity to actually try and kill the one who is threatening the brotherhood the most would be a true honour. But you could not ignore the fear that made your hairs stand on end, knowing that you would be going up against a great killer, a man trained by the assassins himself, but became a turn coat.

Your heart was beating fast, you knew he was near, you could sense it, and as you peered your head around the corner of the wall, there he was, stood right before you along the street. When you quickly put your head back around the wall, you rested your head against the cold bricks, beginning to doubt your own abilities.

What if he is stronger than you? What if he gets away?

'No,' You think to yourself, 'I need to try my best and prove myself,'

Just as you were about to peek once more around the corner, a hand grasped around your throat and pushed you forcibly back into the alleyway. You back hit hard against the brick wall and you could hear the distinct sound of his hidden blade engage to the flick of his wrist, making your eyes widen in fear. Fear that, previously, you pushed to the back of your mind, only for it to come sliding back by the situation you were in.

There was no need to look at your killer to know it was Shay Cormac himself, so you clenched your eyes shut, awaiting for the penetration of his blade in your skin and for the pain that followed afterwards.

And yet... it didn't come. In fact, the grip on your throat loosened somewhat.

Your [e/c] eyes opened and looked up at Shay, only to see a bewildered look upon his face. His deepened gaze wandered your features and his blade slowly lowered back down to his side. You couldn't help the fluttering of your heart by the mere gaze you received, you'd always thought he'd have menacing features like most of the Templar's did, but not Shay. No. His eyes were warm like hot chocolate and his facial features were chiselled in the most beautiful way you had ever seen.

However, that did not stop you from seeking the opportunity from slipping from his grasp, so when his grip on your throat had loosened considerably, you pulled away and ran from the alleyway, as fast as your legs could carry you until you were finally at a safe enough distance between yourself and the turncoat.

With your heart beating fast, you looked over your shoulder and swallowed a hard lump that progressively formed. Why did he let you go so easily?


Shay was frozen, despite his mind yelling at him to drive his blade into your throat, he just couldn't. The way your neck felt under his grasp, so soft and delicate, the way your hair framed your face and the captivating [e/c] of your eyes, all in all made it impossible for him to even think of ruining such perfection.

As you slipped from his hold, and darted from his view, it was like he snapped out of the illusion he was under, the hypnotising gaze of your eyes.

"Shit..." He muttered under his breath. He could not let himself be so taken like he was just then, because next time, no doubt, it would get him killed.

Assassin's Creed One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora