Chapter One - Familiar Faces

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I thought things would change; that here in this 'new' city, the people would be different, but they're the same everywhere I go. We've lived here for a few months now and I have already become the target, the weak link in the chain. No matter how much I isolate myself, I still end up getting hurt. Minding my own business doesn't seem to do a thing. I am thankful that Kaito is getting along well enough at our school. I see him in the halls often with his friends and he quietly helps me out behind the scenes by keeping his friends away from me. We are only a year apart; Kaito and I. He knows how much I struggle at school and is the only one who can read my language. My father on the other hand thinks I'm reckless and it was true; but moving here has changed me. I could beat my bullies to a pulp but I now refrain from using my strength to harm others. I've learned from personal experience that to solve your problems violence isn't the answer. . . I stop in front of a bakery and take a deep breath. My father set me up with a job, in the hopes that I would make friends; which I knew would not happen. I bite my lip and open the door, stepping into the warmth of the building. I looked around nervously, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. "Hello there!" A voice called to me. I looked up and found myself face to face with an elderly woman. She gazed at me cheerily and said "You must be Kannade Tomachi, your father has told me all about you. My, you are much prettier in person." I bowed out of respect, which made her grin even larger than it was a few moments ago. "My name is Pan - ya no Oba, but you may call me Oba - Chan. Now come! Let's get you into a uniform and then I will introduce you to my other employee." Oba said as she dragged me into the back room by the hand. "Now this is your uniform, now go put it on and come out into the front room when you are finished." She told me as she left me alone to change. I gently eased my way out of my shirt and winced. I was pushed in the halls earlier today and I'd toppled into a door. I poked at the discolouration and sighed; the bruising on my side was not the only injury I had. I also had some scrapes and burns on my arms and legs. I slid on the white collared shirt and then tucked it into my pants. I walked out of the back room and slid the apron over top of my head and made my way over to Oba where she was waiting for me. "There you are! I have the pleasure to introduce you to Mei Tachibana, you will be working along side her in the bakery." I nodded and bowed to the girl. She gave me a nervous smile and said "It's nice to meet you Tomachi - San." I nodded in response; I am sure this girl attends the same high school that I do. I believe I have seen her with the popular group; she's dating Yamato Kurosawa, the most popular boy in school. Though I may be on the outskirts of the social circle, I have heard many whispers about him in the halls. "Have you worked a cash register before, Kannade - Chan?" Oba asked. I nodded thoughtfully and she motioned for Mei and I to switch places. "Mei - Chan, would you restock the shelves?" Mei nodded and went into the back room to grab some more goods for the shelves. "Now give it your best shot! I'm counting on you." Oba said as she left as well to tend to the baking. I brushed my hair back to put it into a ponytail, I wished that Oba would have put me in the back baking or stocking shelves; then I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. I rang a few people through, giving them a small hello and then thanking them for coming. I was about to go and ask Oba about changing positions but when I peaked around the corner she looked busy and I didn't want to bother her. I sulked back to the front counter and busied myself with a pen. "Oh! Hello Kai - Kun!" Mei exclaimed. I looked up to find a tall lean boy with brown hair entering the bakery; his hair is styled in a type of Mohawk and it worked well on him. He gave her a smile and grabbed a tray. "Hi Mei - Chan. Yamato waiting for you to finish work?" She nodded and blushed a deep red. He laughed and ruffled her hair with one hand. She swatted his hand away and continued moving buns onto the sales tray. I couldn't help but feel slightly envious that she could speak to others so easily and make them smile back at her; when I myself have never had someone to call a friend. I've always been looked down upon and I wondered if my life was destined to be this miserable? If my entire existence is to be a target. I blinked several times as a hand waved in front of my face. The tall boy stood on the other side of the counter, nervously running his hand through his hair. "Sorry, you looked deep in thought." He said. I ignored him and started to bag his confectionaries into separate bags. "Do you by chance go to a high school by here?" I nodded slightly; wishing that this idle chat would stop. "That's cool, we must go to the same school. Oh, my name is Kai Takemura." He told me as he extended his hand towards me. I briefly shook it and then told him how much he owed me. "My name is Kannade Tomachi." I replied in respectfully as I counted out his change and handed it back to him. "Kannade Tomachi. . . We should hang out sometime." He said as he leaned forwards on the counter. I backed up slightly, but there wasn't much room for me to move. "I don't think that would be a good idea." I said under my breath. He seemed to have heard me because he tilted his head to the side. "Why not?" I hesitated which made him frown. "Young man are you finished?" An elderly man's voice asked. I peered around Kai's tall figure and nodded at the man. "Oh right, sorry." Kai apologized. "I'll see you later then!" He exclaimed as he moved out of the way. I rolled my eyes and muttered a quiet no to myself. I had no wish to spend time with this guy and I really don't want him involved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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