Blue (Part Two)

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The color of the sky, bright and clear, the color of the water, rippling in the wind as you drive past, the color of the wild flowers lining the road, the color of door to the bar. It is the color of her dress as she takes advantage of your drinking habit, the color of regret when you see her walk through that door, the color of her purse as she runs out the door, the color of the jacket worn by the man that you shove out if the way, the color of the cloud of dust that follows her down the road, the color of the lights flashing atop the ambulance, accompanied by red. It is the color of worry as they lift her onto a stretcher, the color of guilt when you realize that it's your fault. It is the color of her eyes, heavy with sadness as she closes them, possibly for the last time. The color of the woman's shirt as she guides you to a chair, the color of the water bubbling in the fish tank as you wait, the color of relief when the doctor says she's awake, the color of remorse as you look into her eyes, the color of love as you kiss her gently, wishing for this moment to last forever.

It is the color of life and love, guilt and forgiveness, apology and regret. It is the color of the choices that you made, the choices that define you.

It is the color of your love for her, clearer than ever before.

Blue is your color.

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