Luke moves in.

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It all began when he moved in. He had been so nice, he was more like a mate than a stepdad, all the way up until after the wedding. After the wedding it all went wrong. Luke would boss me around, he would tell me to do the cleaning, look after my brothers and sisters, do the cooking, and really most of the jobs around the house. Back when it all started, I just did the jobs without question. He had just moved in, he had a new job, he was "under a lot of stress" but then it became so much more than just an odd job every now and again. He sent me off to boarding school and then made my life at home a living hell. He would take my mum out for "dinner" and came back two days later, when I asked he just said things had got out of hand. Nine months later, Lucas was born, and I became the in house permanent nanny.

"MILES!" My mother called up the stairs, Luke had just left for work. I hurried up the stairs. "Miles, please can you stop arguing with Luke, he's your dad now, so you are going to have to learn how to get on with him." I couldn't believe what she had just said. "Mum, Luke will never ever be my dad, not in a million years." I spoke calmly but then I stormed of to the playroom. Marcus and Molly, the two oldest of my younger siblings were sitting there. Molly asked me, "Miles? How long until Luke goes away again?"

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