Chapter 4: New side of the family

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I walked over to my mother and saw that she is smiling " hey momma" I sit by her and lay my head on her shoulder. She pets my head " your brother is coming home" .

I jump off the couch and yell " NOOO HE IS NOT!" I shake with anger and my hair changes to dark red.

My mother gets up and slaps me " CALM DOWN THIS INSTANT! "

I shook my head " NO!" I kneel down in pain and felt something coming out of my back . I reach behind me and felt wings . I go and look in a mirror and gasped ,there were black wings behind me .

My mom comes by me and frowns " im sorry that i didnt tell you..but ur half angel your dad is human and im an angel"

I laughed "you (laugh) and angel? (giggle)"  My mom glares at me and says "Per polus quod terra ego dico vobis meus pennae! (by the heavens and earth i call to you my wings!)"

My mother gets the killer looks in her eyes and she comes toward me. I used my Commanding voice "EGO sum vestri regina quod si vos take unus magis step ego mos exuo u off ur angelus vox forever! operor vos agnosco? ( i am your queen and if you take one more step i will strip u off ur angel powers do you understand?!)"

My mom gasped and bowed "

Nimirum meus regina (of course my queen)"

I nodded  "leave now" My mom starts to cry but she stops once she hears the bell ring. She looks at me "your brothers home"

I fake a smile and go to the door to open it. At the door is my big brother who i hate so much. I fake a smile and say in the sweetest fake tone i could speak in "Frater quantus ego. requiro vos

(brother how much i...missed you)" Anthony smiles and hugs me "EGO requiro vos adeo dulcis parum sanctimonialis (i missed you so much sweet little sister)". I smiled ' what a fucking lie' " I know you did" I hug him and kiss his cheek "welcome home" He flashes me a smile and walks into the house and i closed the door " thank you sister" I grin "welcome BROTHER"

He glares at me and comes over to me and slaps me " EXCUSE ME?!?" I smile and my wings appear. My brother's mouth hangs open " Your excused" I smiled and walked away ' I love this new life'  My mother yells " get ready for dinner Angel!"

I yelled back "of course mother!"

I went to my closet and took out a black dress perfect for an angel and black heels. I put my hair in curls and put on a small tiara just for show. I got out my make up and put on red lipstick and black eye liner. I took out my black ear rings and necklace. I looked in a mirror and whistled ' i look hot!'

I smiled and walked into the kitchen and saw my mother in a dress and brother in a tux. My mom turns around and gasps " my baby is soo beautiful" She was close to tears. My brother looks me up and down " looking good sis" I smiled liking my new side of mom and brother " thank you guys " I sniffed and hugged them bother. My mother hugs me " im so sorry for all of the abuse and stuff, I love you" I smiled and hugged her back " its ok mom" My brother hugs me and says the same thing .

We got into the limo and went off to eat

Me? the emo freak...his mate?? the alpha...plllleaseeee (preface and chap 1)Where stories live. Discover now