Chapter 5

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"I'm Indie." The woman said, as she led us down a row of books.
"I understand you are confused. I'll do my best to explain...but I am only just understanding it myself. I take it you." She gestured to me.
"Touched a word. You" she pointed at Lolpanda38.
"Held off 4 Shreikers all on your own, and you" She pointed at Bethany.
"Somehow made it to the Center, where we control all of Wattpad."
"Woah, woah, woah. We're in Wattpad?!" Bethany gawked at Indie.
"Are you surprised anymore?" Lolpanda said.Bethany thought for a second.
"Actually, nah. Pretty normal I guess." We all kind of shrugged. Indie looked really bored.
"There are things we need to talk about." indue said.
"I guess it makes sense, we are in a conference hall." I said.
"Oh, You aren't in a conference hall. That's how we prefer to see it." Indie giggled, a short harsh sound. She raised a hand to the air, and everything dissolved into glowing blue numbers.
"As you can see, we prefer more er... realistic settings." Indie waved her hand and sighed. The numbers became a conference hall once more.
"I should probably introduce you to everyone. There are 22 creators. Each represents a genre of Wattpad." Together, our small group headed down a hallway. I couldn't get over the magical floating words. I occupied myself with trying to read them.
"Rainbow! Rainbow!" Lolpanda38 waved her hand. I looked up. Vaulting benches stood above me. 22 people were standing around them.
"Meet the Creators." Indie said, smiling.
"Matt, of random, Alisa of Romance, John of Scifi, Hannah of fantasy, Dave of Humor, Veronica of Paranormal, Paul of mystery, Edgar of horror, Thomas of Historical Fiction, Belle of Teen Fiction, Carter of Poetry, Robert of Short Story, Alice of General Fiction, Sarafina of Chicklit, Jones of Action, Edward of Vampires, Jack of Werewolf, Terra of Spiritual, Samuel of Nonfiction, Athena of Classics, and of course, Lila of Fanfiction." We looked around. Wait, where's Lila?" I cried.
Indie looked extremely annoyed.
"My God, we're in peril here. The least she could do is teleport to the correct place."
"So, shouldn't we find her?" I asked, I'll admit I was a tad nervous.
"No. Honestly. She does this all the time. If she actually did it right, I'd worry about her." She tilted her head back to look at the other Creators.
"And now we need to tell you what to do. And in order to do that, we need another story."
"Another story?" lolpanda38 groaned. Bethany faced palmed.
"I can only hope we will all still love reading after all this." She added, as Indie sat down, and Thomas stood up. His face looked very conflicted.
"This is a story of the Creators greatest failure. We are all very ashamed of it." He said, and picked up a book that had a silver cover, yellow pages, and was literally bound in iron. It looked heavy, but Thomas lifted it with ease.
"Take a look." He said, and opened the book.
I was seriously getting sick of being teleported everywhere. I raised my eyes up, and saw all three of us were floating in a black void. I tried to call out to the others, but it was like I didn't exist. I'm the dim light I could see Bethany looked terrified. Suddenly, a dim spark of light appeared. In it, a giant hologram screen appeared, and showed the history of Wattpad. It showed the first story being told, and the Creators were born. As time went on, Shreikers appeared to. The Creators fought them off for a long time. Over centuries, it seems. However, they were getting stronger. The Creators brought Wattpad, to directly channel the creativity of Writers. Wattpad was their weapon. For a long time, that was enough, but soon the Shreikers got stronger, and a conference was held. In the same meeting hall we had been in. The Creators, with their flowing robes, and apparent immortality, looked more and more like gods. They decided to try to channel even more Creativity, to bring a Writer into Wattpad. So they did. She was a small blond girl, with big green eyes, that constantly flicked around, nervously. Her name was Joy. She screamed as she was dragged into the story, straight into a horror story. Of course, Edgar was there to get her, but she was terrified of him, despite the fact he assured her that he'd help. So she ran, and was captured by the Shreikers. Somehow they convinced her in a way that no Creator ever could, telling her she could never get home. She believed him, and with tears on her face, she followed him. In her last act in the terrifying story, she tapped the screen to let Edgar out. She promised to destroy every Creator for what they did. Than, the screen shut off, and we were teleported back to the Center.
"Do you see now, why we need your help destroying her?" Indie asked.
"What?! Destroying?" Bethany cried, still freaking out, slightly. I'm just going to assume she was afraid of the dark.
"We need to help her! Show her you can take her home!" I cut in. The expressions on the Creators faces changed.
" can take us home, right?" I asked.
"One person is hard, but with hundreds, we can just kick you all of the site. Shouldn't be too hard." Indie said. I felt the anger and fear in my stomach melt, and the three of us slouched with relief.
"I should have worded that differently." Indie smirked.
"Let's say we need help destroying the Shreikers, and rescuing her. Now, here's what you need. A knife from a story that is beyond help, a pencil that can change your appearance at whim, and an eraser to undo all the damage the Shreikers have done."
"Cute rhyme." Lolpanda38 said. I'm just going to call her Panda.
"Oh, wait! We have a pencil thingee from Lila!" I held up the silver pencil, vapor rushed out of the end.
"Can it really change our appearance?" I asked. Indie nodded.
"To whatever is the dominant species in the story." I grinned. I really needed to find another non-ruined pony story. That also reminded me.
"A story beyond help! The Pony Games! The eraser must be there!" I said happily.
"Was there a large amount of Shreikers there?" Indie asked. I shrugged.
"Yeah, why?"
"Because when people teleport, for some reason they are drawn to Shreiker activities, so that's probably where Lila is." I tried not to imagine Lila facing those creatures alone, without her magical pencil.
"Well, let's go get her!" Bethany grinned.

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