You Meet Again - Part 3

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For the past few days, you continued to have little play dates with Butters at his house and has already started school on South Park. Everyone had grown quite accustomed to you as you were so nice and sweet but some completely despised you for how bright and happy you were. They were simply envious. Though not everyone had gotten a chance to talk to you, they could already tell that you were a good person at heart and wanted to become good friends. Everyone was quite friendly with you and made an effort to see you and have small chit chats every now and then. You liked all the good attention but sometimes your time with your dearest friend would be interrupted by those that just want to say hi. It's okay if they're just passing and wave or state a simple greeting but when they choose to take you away from a conversation from the friend that you wanted to spend the most time with was pretty horrible of them, however, you couldn't find it in yourself to say no, waving goodbye to your dearest friend; Butters Stotch.

"Bye Butters!" you waved, today was one of those times where you were taken away from a friendly conversation with Butters, yet again. It never really was your intention to become so popular but no you wished that you weren't as well known or sought out around the school.

"B-bye (Y/N)!" he waved back, smiling as you flashed an apologetic smile back.

"Why are you always talking to Butters anyway? I mean, he's a boy and your a girl, you should be talking to us." Bebe stated as you sighed, letting her drag you to the rest of her girly friends.

"You don't control me Bebe."

"Yeah, I know that, but still!" she pressed, making you giggle.

"What is so wrong with that anyway?" you asked, a brow raised in question.

"Well, it's like you choose to be with him and it offends us because we think that you don't like us as much as you like a 'boy' and we're both girls." you giggled again.

"I'm sorry I made you think like that but I just liking talking to him because he can understand me more thats all." you honestly responded.

"What do you mean by that? We're girls," she gestured to the entire group of girls, "and your a girl," she gestured to you, "so how can a boy understand you better then we can?"

"Well, we worry about the same things, think slightly the same and have normal conversations."

"But our conversations are normal too!" Wendy persisted as you raised a brow.

"So, you're saying that talking about the latest fashion, gossip, lovey-dovey stuff and women kind are normal conversations?" you asked.

"Yes they are!"

"If you say so..." shrugging your shoulders, you rested your chin at the palm of your hand, anticipating the start of their 'gossip' as well as preparing your daydream.

"Well how would you define a 'normal' conversation?" Wendy asked, quoting the word 'normal' with her fingers.

"Let's see 'how are you today?' 'have any hobbies?' 'you got anything interesting to do today?' 'what are you planning to do this weekend?' 'Wanna go out to the shops later or hang out at the park?'."

"Ugh! That isn't normal conversations! That's called boring conversations." Wendy stated with an annoyed tone, "Lets talk some real conversation...Who saw that new Justin Bieber poster up at the mall? Doesn't he look soooo HAWT?!" Oh brother...this was going to be a long lunch break.


"Thanks for taking the time t-to go out and play at the park with me (Y/N)." Butters thanked as the both of you made your way to the local park. You could just about see the peeks of the swings, the long slide and the other apparatuses that allowed children to have their own little adventures at the park.

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