Chapter 3

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I woke up again to a pounding in my head was I at Nathaniel's house? The room I was in was huge I was lying on a really comfortable bed it had red satin sheets the walls were a light brown there was black furniture but I won't go into details this was probably his room I checked to see I still had the pink dress on i slid of the bed and walked to the door carefully I twisted the knob it wasn't locked I walked out of the room into a humongous hallway after 15 minutes of looking for stairs I finally found them.

As I walked down the hardwood stairs to say what I'm assuming the living room was huge was a understanding it big and beautifully decorated I walked further down the hall and into a dining room with a long table and into a hallway which was a kitchen that was much bigger than mine back home. Home. I was surprised too see someone's back turned to me I almost sighed in relief when they turned around.

"Lacey I see your up" Michele's soft voice floated through my ears she was washing some dishes she had a light blue dress on and her hair was up "hi"
"What are you doing here" I wondered "Nathan had me stay here with you while he's at work"I guess that was his nickname "go get showered and then come back here. Put on some makeup too" she softly orders I just nodded my head because I remember the punishment I received last night.

I looked down at my arm where there was gauze rapped around it as I made my way up back to that room I made my way to the bathroom it was big there was a shower a jacuzzi and there were two sinks one for me and one for him probably I stripped out of the dress and put it in a hamper I carefully removed the gauze and looked at the cut it wasn't very deep it started in the middle and ended to my forearm.

Once I was done showering I walked to this huge walk in closet on one side there were clothes for men and on the other side there were dresses.Just dresses.I found a drawer filled with undergarments and picked out this light green dress that ended a little before my knees it fit me perfectly how did they know my size?! I slipped on some flat black shoes and brushed my hair out and put on some makeup. Not willingly. And I might have stabbed my eye with the mascara.

I walked back down to the kitchen to see Michele cutting up some vegetables and frying them in a pan once she saw me awkwardly standing in the doorway she motioned me to come over "That's perfect now could you help me cut these?" "Yea sure" I walked over to her grabbed the knife and started cutting the vegetables while she looked over the roast.

"Did he do that?"
"Nathan did he do that to your wrist?"
"Um yes I was misbehaving." I muttered quietly I was really shy when it came to new people.
"Can I ask you something Michele?" She hummed in response "Did Wyatt ever hurt you?" I said innocently pointing to the many scars on her wrists."yes.But only in the beginning when I misbehaved but soon I started listening and things got better he stopped punishing me and I fell in love with him."

That will never happen to me "You'll get used to here this is your home now"
"No it's not" I whined "Yes Lacey it is"
"But why?! why did they choose me of all the other girls what do they don't have that I do?" I whispered the last part "Listen I'll explain it to you their family have traditions when the elder son turns 20 he must pick a bride he then continues to learn things about her you could call it stalking then the father must bring him his bride in 2 days.

She stated it like it was the most common thing in the world "What?!I don't care about their stupid traditions there all short a few screws if they think it's all right all of them are psycho?!?"
"Shush!? If Nathan heard you talking like this you'd be in for a much worse punishment than just a small cut on the wrist?!"

"You were kidnapped too if we work together we can bust out of here and-"
I was stopped by Michele grabbing my shoulders " I refuse to think that way I love Wyatt and Nathan loves you too that's why he chose you now stop arguing Nathan will be home soon we have to get dinner prepared."

I just stopped arguing there was no point Michele was brainwashed
Into thinking this was all okay thats why I have too leave before they brainwash me too she shoved some plates into my hands " could you set up the table please" after I had set everything up I decided too apologies to Michele "Umm I just wanted to say I'm sorry for yelling At you"

"It's all right I know how you feel your quite a lot like Nina she is Wyatt's brothers wife she also wanted to escape but she got used too it and now she's expecting a baby."I just kept quite and nodded my head.
But I just wanted to lie down and cry my eyes out.

  It wasn't long before dinner was finished we had set the table up and the dinner smelled delicious Michele had just left she spent the next minutes telling what I had to say to him when he came she told me to listen too him and don't disrespect him just do as he says so here I was sitting waiting for him too arrive.

Just as I was about to doze of I heard the front door unlocking I rushed over there to see him locking the door he turned to me and smiled the same smile he had when brutally cut open my wrist I politely forced a smile on my face and walked over to him slowly and helped him out of his coat just how Michele had told me to do and he smirked at me "I see Michele followed my orders."

"Umm yes she j-just left" there was a slight stutter in my voice but who could blame me that guy terrified he could pull out that knife any second and stab me instead. I followed him into the dining room and he sat down "it smells great." He commented I sat across from him we started loading our plates up "This food is amazing! I can't wait for you to be my wife." He smirked I lightly laughed but inside I was dying. Please don't kill me.

I guess I wasn't eating and he had noticed "Lacey you have to eat." "I'm really not that hungry" "Lacey I didn't ask I told you now eat it" he sternly replied I quickly started eating again because he wouldn't look away and it was really creepy...

Once we were finished I started cleaning it up "Once your done come upstairs" he had orders and I just nodded i hoped that doing the dishes would slow me down I didn't want to be in the same bed as him I then spotted a huge butcher knife maybe I could kill him on his sleep.

"Lacey what's taking so long it doesn't take that long to do the dishes?!" He yelled

"Coming" I answered quickly drying my hands and grabbing the knife and hiding it behind my back as I walked up the stairs.

It was risky but I had to do something.

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