Characters and bad days

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(Eric in the picture)
Hello my name is Sophia Laney Staal. I'm 8 years old and in third grade. I live with my daddy and my Uncle Jordan. They both play for the Carolina Hurricanes. I don't see my mother very often, but she lives in Texas. I'm my dads only child and my uncles only niece so I'm pretty spoiled. My daddy and uncles are very strict and they sometime spank me, which is very rude.  I play hockey on a pee-wee team and I'm very good. I play on an all boys team. I'm close with all my daddy's team mates too. I have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm going to tell you about my daddy and each of my uncles.....

My daddy's name is Eric. He is 30 years old and 6 feet and 4 inches tall. He plays for the Carolina Hurricanes, he's the captain and he plays left wing. Him and I are very close and everyone says I'm his twin. He the strictest and doesn't let me get away with a lot. He cares a lot about how I play at hockey and my grades. He hates any form of disrespect and is quick to dish out punishments.

Next is my uncle Jordan. He is 26 and 6 feet 4 inches. He is a centerman for the Carolina Hurricanes. He is very mild temper and doesn't get upset at me often. He dishes out more timeouts then anything. I'm closet with him. But he is not my favorite uncle.

Then is my uncle Marc. He is 28 and 6 feet and 4 inches. He is a defenseman for the New York Rangers. He's the calmest and the most reasonable. He doesn't come around very often. But I know he still loves me. If he comes to our house, He usually leaves any discipline to my father.

Last is my uncle Jared. He is 25 and 6 feet and 4 inches. He is a right wing for the Charlotte Checkers. He is my favorite uncle by far. He comes over quite a bit. He plays the fun uncle role and very very rarely ever disciplines me.

Present day.
I was riding the bus home from school and I was not in a good mood. I was over tired and grumpy. I stayed up until 11:30 at my daddy's and uncle game last night because they went into over time. I walked off the bus and walked up the drive way and into the house. My Daddy, Uncle Jordan, and two of his team mates stood in the kitchen making a protein shake.

"Hello squirt, how was school today." Uncle Jordan asked me while sitting me on the counter.

"Stop Uncle Jordan. Let me down," I whined while kicking my legs.

My dad raised an eye brow and gave me I'm going to spank you look, but I ignored it. Once Jordan let me down. I laid facedown on the floor and groaned. "Hey you ready to go to the gym?" Jordan asked my dad.

"I think I need to stay home and deal with something." My dad answered while lifting my up and on his hip. Jordan kissed my cheek then left. "What's your deal today." My dad asked while setting me at the table. He walked over the fridge and took out strawberries, bananas, and yogurt.

"There's nothing wrong with me." I said grumpy. He plopped the stuff in the blender and made me a smoothie. "Do you need to have an attitude adjustment?" He asked while pouring the stuff into a cup.

"No," I whispered while looking at my lap. "No what," he asked while pulling my chin up. "No sir." I answered while looking at him. "Ok let's do your homework, you have practice tonight too," he said while pulling my homework folder out of my bookbag.

"I don't want to." I whined while putting my head on the table. "I didn't ask," he said in his dad tone. "No," I screamed out.

He pulled me up by my arm and swatted me hard. "You don't tell me no little girl," he said while dragging me to the corner. "You can stay here until you find a new attitude before I have to beat your little butt." He said walking away. I stood for a while, "daddy I'm sorry. I'll be nicer." I said in my little kid voice.

He turned me around and I hugged him. "I mean it Sophie, last warning." He said sternly. I walked over to the table and sat down. I did my homework and finished my smoothie. "Good girl, go clean your room and then get dressed for practice." He said while I slightly groaned. I ran up the stairs before he could say anything and cleaned up my room. After I was done my Legos were a lot more interesting then getting ready. My bedroom door flew open and my dad walked in with his practice stuff on.

"Sophia you need to get dressed. I told you to clean not clean then play young lady. He said while taking my stuff from my closest. He ignored my protest and go me dressed, he carried me down to the kitchen and grabbed my water bottle. He loaded me into the car then sped off.

He left me at my practice then went to his own. I was only half in practice all day. I was exhausted when it was over and slowly walked over to my dads car. "Hey Beautiful," he said while driving. "Hi daddy," I said quietly leaning my head on the window. I fell asleep and woke up with him carrying me and a house full of his hockey team mates. I was not ok with this I was tired and wanted nothing more then my bed. But of course me being eight I would never just come out with it.

He put me down and the whole team was yelling and asking me questions and trying to tickle me. I went to my dads best friend Jay and jumped into his lap. "Just who I wanted to see my favorite grumpy 8 year old." He said happy. " cuddle with me." I said snuggling into his shoulder. "Sorry princess, it's time to eat." He said sitting me down at my spot at the table.

I didn't eat at all. I could tell my dad was getting angrier and angrier but everyone else was joking around. "Sophia eat please." Jordan said noticing the tension between the two of us. "Uncle Jordan I'm tired I just want to go to bed." I whined while tearing up.  My dad stood up and grabbed my hand. "Say goodnight." He said

I said goodnight to everyone, but Jordan grabs my other hand and points to his cheek. I lean down and kiss his cheek. "What I only get one. I thought you loved me." He said fake crying. My dad pulls me away.

"Go get in the bathtub while I get your pjs." He said taking me to the bathroom door. "I want to shower tonight." I whined. "No it'll be faster if I wash your hair go." He ordered again. I started to protest, so he just scooped me up undressed me and put me in the tub. "You are getting on my last nerve today kid." He said while rinsing my hair. I put my hand under water and splashed him. He literally had fire in his eyes, he grabbed me under both my arms and flung me over his lap. He started bringing his hand down on my wet bare butt and it hurt more than any other spanking before. He didn't stop until I was really crying. He put me back in the tub and started washing my body. "You don't splash me like that, it's rude. I didn't want to spank you but you have been a brat all day." He said wrapping a towel around me. He stood me at the sink and brushed my hair and teeth. He pulled me into my room and put my pjs on me and the laid in bed with me. "Dry up your tears." He said thumbing them away. "It's ok, you can go to sleep and feel better in the morning." He said kissing my forehead. I calmed down when he started rubbing my back. After a while I fell asleep and he got up and closed my doors.

Yep I made another new story. This one a friend wanted me to write. :) please leave comments and suggestions. Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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