Mighty Med

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Skylar's P.O.V

I heard the door open and I whipped my head around to see who it was. I saw a girl with purple hair, no makeup, in a sort of combat way of an Outfit . Another girl had blue hair, a red apple necklace, dark blue shirt with white ends, a black skirt with designs and matching pants. I saw 4 boys. One had honey brown hair, blue dress pants and a pale yellow dress shirt. Another had long hair with a beanie over it, a snake skin leather shirt, and baggy blue jeans. The third had white hair with a tint of black at the roots. He wore a red, black, and white jacket, black capris, and a wolf tail. The last had on a green suit with a red bowtie and a purple undershirt. He had brownish hair. He also had glasses. I didn't recognize them at all as super heroes. Wait, Normos!

Mal's P.O.V

When the telaportation went wrong, all the "Villan Kids" wear changed back into our suits from the Isle. I saw a girl staring at us. She had brown, wavy hair with a pink highlight. She wore a pink and black suit with a Lightning bolt. Her boots also have the design. She wore black biker gloves to top it off. She looked awesome.

Oliver's P.O.V

I was walking towards Skylar when she whipped her head to see who came through the door. She hit me in the face with her hair. It smelled like, I really don't know. All I know, is that it hurt. "Hey Oliver!" A voice said, making me jump. Oh, it was just Kaz. "Kaz, don't that again! That the 5th time this week!" I told him. "Yeah, and you'd think it would be xoming.!" He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "Hey Oliver! Kaz!" Another voice said, making me jump again. "Oliver, are you okay?" Skylar asked. "Yeah, you just scared me!" I reassured her. She smiled, the returned to her serious face. "Do you know who they are?" She asks, pointing to a group of 6 kids. "I don't know. I haven't seen any comics about them, or seen them around school." I replied. I looked at Kaz. "What he said!" He said quickly. Skylar rolled he eyes and ran off to the 6 kids.

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