Oneshot 1:Ever Since

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**Author's Note**

My first quick little Sonamy dabble of writing I wrote during activity period ^^'

So many people trying to peak over my shoulder...Oh well,Enjoy my first little writing.Vote and comment my little hedgies!

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*

Amy had her head down as she trailed through the grass.The breeze stripped through her hair,the sun beating down on her.Just a head of her was the famous blue hedgehog,Sonic.He was leaning against a tree,eyes closed and a piece of hay in his mouth.The pink hedgehog approached him,a red ribbon gripped in her hands.


He raised his head and slowly opened his eyes,meeting the cuteness of the hedgette.Her face held no emotion yet the softness gleamed in her emerald eyes.Sonic cocked his head,confusion washing over his face.

"Amy?"he asked.

The edge of her lips raised slightly,a weak smile formed.

"...Do you remember Sonic?"she asked softly,rising her hands.

The ribbon flowed softly,Sonic's eyes trailed across it.Remembrance flashed across his face as he tried to reach for it.

"Of course I do Amy.It's the ribbon you wore when I first met you,"he grinned.

Amy nodded and leaned forward slightly,"Do you know why I still have it?"

Sonic shook his head,"No...why?"

He sits up and is now on his hands and knees,leaned forward.Amy falls to her knees slowly,lifting the ribbon for him to see.Sonic cocks his head.

"Because Sonic,it reminds me of memories.When we were younger,remember?"she asked carefully.

Sonic nodded slowly,"I do."

Amy's eyes watered slightly as she continued."Ever since the moment I met you,I knew you were the one.The one that would be there for me,help me when I'm feeling upset.Or just to talk to."

Sonic closed his mouth,a small blush in his muzzle.Amy smiled through her watery eyes.

"I was a crazy fan girl,still am actually.But that's just what happens when you fall in love.Sounds stupid right?"she sniffled.

Sonic didn't know what to say.He was still trying to wrap his brain around everything.Instead of thinking,he replied.

"No,not stupid.I'm flattered that you love me and I guess I do too,in a caring way.I just don't want to be held down right now,you know?"

Amy wiped her hands with her arm,"I guess.I'll be waiting for you when you're ready."

Sonic leaned forward and kissed her forehead,"Someday Amy."

She blushed as he stood and winked,making his usual pose.

"Gotta run,"he said quickly before running off.

A gust of wind bursts through her hair,sending her tears to the side.Amy watched him run off and held the ribbon tighter.

"One day Sonic.One day.I'll be waiting,"she whispered.

Sonic ran through the valley,Amy's words running through his head.

Ever since the moment I met you,I knew you were the one....

**Author's Note**

I know it was short but it was just a quick dabble ^^ Stay tuned for more!Senpai out!

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