Chapter 13

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The next day River and I were sitting next to each other in music class before the bell rang, I'd explained what happened last night.

"I'm going to break up with her today." He sighed and rested his head on his hand.

I nodded, dreading what I'd have to be dealing with tonight.

I rubbed his back, "sorry for causing all this shit."

"Don't apologise." He replied, "if I hadn't thought you were beautiful at the party I wouldn't have kissed you and fucked everything up."

I sighed, "I'm thankful that you're dating Alex."


"Because I wouldn't have met you."


Luckily I got home before Alex did. I made the most of the peace and quiet until Alex slammed the door shut and locked herself in the bathroom. Her face was bright red and there was mascara running down her cheeks. 

I guess Riv did what had to be done.

I knocked on the bathroom door, "Alex what happened?"

The lock clicked open, revealing Alex's angry face.

"You fucking know what's wrong." She snapped and pushed past me.

Alex lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

I sat next to her, trying to show some sympathy. I rubbed her arm, "Come on just tell me why you're like this."

Alex kicked me off the bed, "River broke up with me!"

"You still think I'm seeing him." I scoffed.

"Oh I know you're seeing him." She scowled, folding her arms.

She was right, but that doesn't mean I'm giving in.

"What did he say?" I asked, getting up from the floor and sitting on my bed.

"That he met somebody else and shit." She mumbled, wiping away her tears.

"At least you have Simon." I shrugged.

"But I'd still have River if you weren't such a slut." She snapped.

She did not just call me what I think she called me.

I stood up, "I'm the slut now?" I fired back, not taking any of her shit," that's rich coming from you, Alex."

At this point she was standing up as well.

"How many boyfriends have you had that you've dangled in my face?"

She kept silent.

"How many times have you flirted with boys you knew I had a crush on?"

She still didn't say anything.

"Who even gives a shit if River did cheat on you, everybody knows that you'd just find somebody else the next day."

I was cut off by burning on my cheek, Alex had slapped me and I was furious.

I put a hand to my cheek, tracing where she had just hit me.

She put her hands on my shoulders, "Riley I'm so sorry."

I shoved her off, "don't fucking touch me."

I grabbed my phone and purse and bolted out the door, ignoring Alex calling out for me in the background.


I don't really like Alex 😂
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