Part 2

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I wanted to finish this or at least have some more things accomplished in this part, but I'll have to save it for next time.

Dipper squinted at the house and clicked his pen. Is strange he wrote, break in, find evidence. He looked back up to the house to see Tad looking through his curtains. As would a normal person would probably do when they seen someone uninvited on their property.

He sighed before beginning to walk home. Force supernatural to break avoidance rule. He added to his notes.

Something was up with Tad Strange. Say it all he might, but being normal is not his game. Or at least it couldn't have always been, right?

Dipper put his notepad away and cracked his knuckles. He was going to make a theory board.


"Mabel. He's not normal." Dipper couldn't stress that more. He pointed to his sister, then gestured wildly to a corkboard filled with pictures of Tad and his shenanigans. "He's hiding something, Mabel. I'm going to expose him or my name isn't Dipper Pines!"

"Psht." Mabel crossed her arms, smiling. When'd he even have time to take pictures? "1. It isn't. And 2. Maybe he's weird, so what, Dipper? Is this your 'if everyone's weirder than me, I'm normal' thing?"

Dipper glared at her with bagged orbs.

Mabel rolled her eyes and dragged her brother to sit on her bed together. "Bro bro. Just talk to him. He has a reputation to keep up. I mean, if he's not the normal guy, who is he?" She shrugged.

Dipper sighed and ran his hand down his face. "I don't care about 'reputation' or whatever, Mabel. I don't need a normal guy. I need answers." Dipper gripped her shoulders and pulled her in a hug. He gently chewed on her sweater.

She made a face, then pat him on the back. Yeesh. He's never been this sleep deprived over anything. "Tired?"

He nodded and she could hear him start sniffling.

She lifted him off and gave him a tissue. He wiped his eyes and nose before taking a breath and being angry again. "Look at me, Mabel! This can't be for nothing! He's hiding something. I'm going to expose him for the fraud he is."

He shoved his shirt in his mouth and chewed it aggressively.

"Dipper. It's late. Stop using your brain and sleep." She pouted to her brother.

The male twin sighed aggrevatedly. "I don't need sleep."

Mabel calmly got up and grabbed his blanket. "Okay, Mr. Imavampire."

"...Mabel? What are you doing?"

She ran up to him and tackled him, hugging him with the blanket. "Mabel! Stop! This is serious. Tad could be bad or mad or sad or rad..."

He stopped struggling and yawned, body relaxing as his sister hugged him. "Or he could be a dad... or fad or... or..." He let a big yawn cover the rest of his sentence before he started snoring.

His sister sighed, getting off him and tucking him in her bed as she brought her covers to his. Sometimes, he's such a poophead and doesn't even know it.


"Heya, Dipper."

Dipper tensed. All around him was nothing but white... well, except that dot nearly as big as him. "Tad? Look man, I know this is a dream. Wether you're somehow actually here or you're a figment of my imagination I don't care. Go away."

There was a light hearted chuckling. "Poor Dipper. Thinks he can get away with my secrets."

Dipper growled and kicked the dot. It rolled away from view and Dipper stepped back. Where'd it go?

He yelped when something nudged him in the back. Dipper turned around defensively. A rectangle?

The rectangle was pure black, just like the dot. If it were vertical it would've been as tall, if not taller than the brunet. Okay, definitely taller.

It got up and rounded it's edges a circle lined itself around it as bricks fell into a familiar shape. Bill.

"Go away, man."

Bill laughed as he flashed yellow, taking his complete form. "Yeesh, kid. At least let me arrive first. So. I heard ya got a new buddy." His eye flashed blue. "T̢̡͟͡á̢͟d̸ ̴͢͡S̷̵̢͜t̸̛͜͠r̷͘̕͡à͝ņ͏g̨̡̕è̶̢̛͘ ͏? Interesting. Y'know, I wouldn't go sticking my nose into any of his business. Curiosity killed the cat you know."

Dipper tipped his hat up and crossed his arms. "It was the satisfaction that brought him back."

Bill sounded like he was trying to stifle a laugh. His voice morphed into something like Tad's, but echoey. "Okay, Pine Tree. I mean, don't die or anything."

Dipper woke up with a snort and blinked. He rubbed hus palms into his eyes before yawning. What was that? What did Bill want? Was that all him? "Dang it. What is Tad hiding?!" He yelled.

He slapped both hands over his mouth. After looking to his sister's bed, he sighed. She was already up and ostensibly downstairs.

Ah, who was he kidding with his long words? Probably. She was probably downstairs.

He sighed as he got up, rubbing his eyes with his hands again. He put on his shorts, vest, and hat before putting his hands on his hips and looking at his corkboard.

What is he hiding... what is he hiding. What is he HIDING?!? He groaned when there was a knock on the bedroom door. "Go away I'm busy making a battle plan."

Plan.. plan.. okay. When Tad's out I'll break in and snoop a bit. Oh first I'll n-

More knocking. He groaned. "Go away, Mabel. I'm busy.

The door nudged open. "Heya Dipper. Your sister wished that I speak with you."

Dipper jolted and flipped the corkboard revealing a picture of Mabel's face on a unicorn body. He smiled nervously. "Hey there, friend. She's probably worried about my normalcy. Well everything's fine."

His smile turned a bit more confident in it's falsehood.

"As long as everything's A-Ok." He winked and showed Dipper a finger gun, shooting it playfully. He stayed in the doorway.

Well, this is awkward.

Dipper frowned. He isn't leaving, is he? Why wasn't he leaving?! He gestured frankly to his bed. "Please, take a seat."

"My pleasure, chum." Tad smiled before sitting down. He pointed his index fingers and brought his hands together. He held his head with his thumbs as his fingers stood up, touching his nose. "Dipper, I appreciate your concerns and understand in a town like Gravity Falls sometimes normal is odd on a supernatural level. For you at least."

There was a pause that Dipper used to put his hands on his hips.

"But I'd prefer if my personal space was not invaded. Such as my yard and house. I know you're just a curious boy out to solve any mystery you can, but I'd prefer if my life wasn't one. Understand?"

Dipper put one hand on his chin. "I understand, Tad. You're just a normal guy in a normal house with normal problems you don't want getting out publicly. I can respect that."

Tad's face turned up into a smile. "Alright, see you around, Pines." He strolled out, leaving Dipper.

Dipper immediately flipped the board over and half lidded his eyes, hands on his hips. He smirked. "Doesn't mean I will though."

The Mystery of Tad Strange [Complete]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora