M e a n i n g s

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M e a n i n g  s

Class One – Men or women and their families that are rich enough to live in one of The Three Cities, often part of The Government.

Class Two- Men or women and their families that have enough money to live in a house in the country side.

Civilians- The majority of the population. These people live is slums, where poverty and disease is rife. Class One children are taught that these people are scum, and no better than animals.

The President- The ruler of the LNU.

The Government- Advisers and followers of The President.

The LNU- The Lasting Nation of Unity, the country they live in. It is isolated from all other places in the world.

The Revolution- A revolution that was made up of four Great Wars. The Opposition, and many Civilians attempted to revolt against The First President, Arthur Kingsley.

The Great Wars- The series of four wars that made up The Revolution.

The Three Cities- The only cities with in the LNU. Their names are The City of Mercy, The City of Providence, and The City of Peace.

The City of Mercy- The City of Mercy was named because during the Revolution, around four hundred and fifty of the opposition supporters were captured there. Arthur Kingsley gave the people a second chance to leave The Opposition and to live, three hundred declined and were executed, but one hundred and fifty agreed, and joined The Government forces with only a sign carved into their arm to show they were not to be trusted. After the Great Wars, these people then had a chance to go back as part of normal society, though this time if they were not already Citizens, they lost their status’.

The City of Providence- The City of Providence is named because during the Third of the Great Wars, many of the Governments’ forces were dying of hunger, however they found the land was fertile, and the people gave them food, water, and taught them to farm, so for the four months they stayed there, waiting for the next order, and survived, with the help of the land, and the people, who were mainly Citizens, but not part of either army.

The City of Peace- The Fourth of the Great Wars, and the whole of the Revolution, was ended in the City of Peace, hence the name.

The Opposition- The Opposition were originally the political party facing her great grandfather in the elections, but when it was turned into a dictatorship, the party was torn apart, many who carried on supporting it killed, in The Revolt. However, around thirty years later, during the reign of her grandfather, it was started up again, but this time, a terrorist group, attempting to over throw The Government.

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