Chapter 1

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Hensley's POV

It was dark, but the little lanterns along the path were enough to see where I was going. I shiver in fear when I see the gate with two menacing gargoyles sitting on the top. It felt as if they were following my every move as I took a few more hesitant steps toward the gate. I stopped when I was right in front of it. Why am I doing this again? Oh, yeah because I got dared to. Why couldn't I have said truth, and just tell those jerks who I like or something? Now I have to spend the night in the stupid woods.

"Whut in tarnation is yo' doin', sweet checks? Is yo' possum?" Willie taunted. I turned around sharply and put my hands on my hips.

"No, I was just looking at the gargoyles." Saying this I take my hands off my hips and place them in front of me nervously. "Just taking in the surroundings..." I trail off whispering to myself.

"Senorita, that sounds quit cowardly if you ask me." Alejandro mocked wrapping his arm around Heather's waist.

"Stop being a coward Hensley. You're the one who chose dare, we just came up with it." She said smartly pursing her lips and wrapping her arm around her boyfriends muscular body.

I looked at them and frowned crossing my arms. "Do I really have to do this? I mean the last time someone spent the night in the woods-" I was interrupted by Heather.

"Ugh, does it look like we care about that? Now hurry up! I want to get back to the party! It's so lame being with a nobody like you!" She states agitatedly scowling at me.

"But the last time-" this time I was interrupted by Rose.

"Come on, just do it and get it over with. Then we can leave and have a little fun." She sneered before turning to Willie and winking.

"....Fine, I guess I'll do it." Sighing I walk through the gate and into the dimly lit forest.

"Don't forget to stay all night!" Rose called from behind me.

"Yeah, and if you leave I'll make sure your life is miserable!" Heather shouts making my frown deepen. My life is already miserable... how can it get any worse?

I could hear their feet crunch the leaves that were on the ground as they walked away from the gate. Faintly I could hear Willie say in his thick country accent,"Wal she's daid."

My eyes filled with tears, and I stopped in the middle of the trail that lead deeper into the forest. I cover my eyes with my hands and cry into them. I was probably going to die in here. I mean my only friend, Flora, died in this same forest last year, and she knew more about nature then me so that makes my chances even worse. I wipe the tears from my face and look up. I shouldn't cry. Flora wouldn't want that. She would want me to do what she couldn't, and live to tell the tale. Thinking this I put my hands into my pockets and charge forward.

I looked around at my surroundings while I walked. The trees were old and mangled, it was like someone tried to take them all down once upon a time but stopped halfway through. Their branches were long and pointy, almost like arms. Overgrown bushes and plants also surrounded the path covering up the lights making it harder to see. How am I going to even find my way out of here when it's morning?

"Leave." A soft voice whispered, and a whoosh of air hit my face. What the heck? I kept on walking forward maneuvering around the bushes. I must be loosing my mind already.

"Hensley, you have to leave." The voice pleaded, another whoosh of air blew my brown hair. "Before he gets here."

"Before who gets here?" I stopped walking and looked around trying to see anything suspicious.

"He can't control himself around your kind." The voice whispered. Way to avoid my question.

Ignoring the fact that the wind didn't answer my previous question I asked,"What do you mean by my kind?"

"Humans. Now you must run! He's getting closer." The voice said and my eyes widened as another gust of wind hit my face.

"Wait so if your not human, what are you?" I questioned loudly, my voice carrying through the trees.

"Don't be so loud." The voice hushed. "Just leave, and I'll tell you who I am."

Without asking anymore questions I sprint in the direction I had come from. I really don't care if I get made fun of for not doing the dare. That's better than dying by the hands of whatever is living in this forest. As I'm running in the corner of my left eye I see a dark shadow quickly come beside me, and before I could comprehend and avert the shadow it leapt and pushed me into a bush.

Pain flashes through my body, and my eyes snap shut. I must have landed on a rock when I landed. Well isn't this great. Slowly the pain subsides and I open my eyes only to see bright, red ones in my face. A boy. Is this the person the wind... wait no, that creature was trying to keep me away from? At that thought I gasp and instantly try to push him off, but he grabs my arms with his pale hands enabling me from doing anything.

"You smell even better up close." He moaned slightly moving the collar of my jacket and burying his face into the crevice of my neck. I giggled since his black hair was tickling my check. This made him back away from my neck with a perplexed look on his face. "I wouldn't be laughing if I were you, stupid human."

My eyes narrow at this comment. "I am not stupid. I'm at the top of my class if you want to know."

"You have book smarts, that's going to get you nowhere in the world." He whispers this in my ear before biting into my neck.

I scream in pain right at the moment his teeth cut into my skin. Trying to find a way to make him stop I knee him in the groin, but he seems unfazed by the attempt. Does this man have balls of steel or something? He should be rolling on the floor in agony right about now, but nothing happened. I guess I was taught wrong. I begin to feel light headed from all the blood loss. No, this can't be the end. I have to live for Flora. The corners of my vision began to turn black as the male took his fangs from my neck and releasing my limp body. My head fell to the side right as another figure emerged from the bushes.

"No!" A person screamed running over to me, but everything went black before they could do anything.

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