Chapter T+H+R+E+E: "F|O|rget it .."

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{" what exactly do you want to know about him..?"}

[" did he come into your life?"]

(Gerard smiled.)

{"It all happened when I heard my name in my bathroom at...five something in the morning.."}



He heard a hushed voice call out.


He frowned in his sleep.

'Gerard...come here...'

He opened his eyes in slits.

'Come on...I know your awake...come here...'

He took a while to process what he was hearing, but once he did, he blacked out.


(Gerard frowned.)

{"Thats all I remember, b-but I do remember when I woke up..."}


Gerard snapped out of his daze, now standing in front of a mirror with weird black surrounding it.

His eyes widened in a frown, and leaned in to touch the black, but stopped right when his finger was about two inches away, hearing a voice once again.

'Hi, Gerard...'


["Hm..okay, well, what else?"]

{"Thats when I first met him. Of course I didn't see him, but I did hear him in the mirror...I was terrified of going into that restroom--my-- restroom, but I ended up going anyways."}

As Gerard walked into his bathroom that still looked gorgeous, his eyes immediately turned to the mirror.

At first, he didn't see anything, only a hand print.


["What was the hand print, Gerard? How did that look like?"]

{"It was a blood stained hand, but I only saw it. I even asked my brother to check the restroom himself."}


Gerard was in the kitchen, leaning on the counter, staring at the floor in a daze, drinking coffee until he heard a doorbell ring. He set the coffee down,
Jogging to the door, already knowing that it was his brother.

"Dude, what happened!?" Mikey exclaimed, looking wide eyed at his bigger brother.

"I need you to check out my bathroom.." He said awkwardly, hearing Mikey scoff.

"Really? Thats it?" He asked, sighing and pushing past his older brother.

"Yeah...thats about it...can you...?"

Mikey rolled his eyes, making his way to Gerard's bathroom. When he swung open the door, his eyes widened.

Gerard looked at his brother in amazement and surprise, since he didn't think his brother would've seen what he was seeing now.

"You see it to!? I knew I wasnt crazy!" Gerard laughed, first bumping the air hardcore.

"Well, shit, dude, who wouldn't be amazed at this bathroom?' Mikey asked, touching the sink.


{"So basically, all I got to do was watch my brother admire my bathroom."}

["Haha..well what else happened?"}

{"I would tell you but...our time was out three minutes ago.."}


Okay, so yeah.

I'm so fucking sleepy ....




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