chapter 2:lets talk

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"Shunda wake up" mom yelled
"OK" (groan )
"NOW" she yelled.
I got up and took my bath and put on my clothes. Once I got finished I went downstairs and ate breakfast.
"Goodmorning " I said
"Good morning baby " mom said
" I'm so hungry I can eat a hog "
"Yea we know " my sister said
" shut up pig "

Once I got finished eating I heading of to the jail. (School ).I parked my car we're I usually park and went over to my friends.
" hey babies " I said
" hey girl " diamond said
And that's when the whole world stopped.
He got out the car with that hoe.
He caught me starring and I just looked away and blushed. He must have saw me blush because he was smiling shaking his head
We went in the school and I went to the restroom.
Once I was gonna go out the restroom I bump into a hard solid chest making me fall in my butt.
"Can we talk " the voice said.

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