Plip plip plip.

As Hunter stared out the dimly lit window, the rain became more and more violent.

Plip plip plip plip plip.

He let out a bored, heavy sigh, his thoughts were eaten away by the downpour.

"Dude!" Gilligan shouted, "You have to help!" Buckets were spread almost across the entire floor now.

"What's the point?" Hunter retorted, "You can't catch all the leaks." He went back to the window, his mind, now a blank, his thoughts, once again captured by the fierce rain.

Pit pit pit pit pit.


In his efforts to place more buckets, Gilligan clumsily tripped over one of the pales that he had already set down. This one was almost full, and rain water had quickly spread all across the floor.

"Oh no!" Gilligan cried. He picked up a near-by rag and desperately began trying to do away with the mess. "O-Oh no..."

"Chiiiiiiiiiildreeeeeeen!" Headmistress Aberdeen shouted, "I've a freshly prepared slice of bread for each of you! Come and enjoy!!!"

"Ah!" Gilligan's excitement took hold of him. He immediately dropped what he was doing and raced to the dining hall. "Dude! Hurry up!" he yelled to his compatriot. Hunter stood up and lazily made his way to his friend.

By the time both boys made it to the hall, the room was already filled with children. They crowded the counter, forming a giant glob of bodies huddled over a few loafs of bread.

"Settle down now boys, there's enough for all of you!" Misses Aberdeen quipped with a warm smile on her face.

Each boy was given two slices of bread and a half filled bowl of soup, with scarce strips of meat tuckered within it.

"SLLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUURRRRRPPPP!!!" Gilligan finished his food quickly, leaving not a crumb of bread and not a sip of soup! "Ah, man! That was great!" He turned to his friend. Hunter was simply swirling his soup around, watching the form it would take, and staring at his own reflection in the murky liquid. "Well, I'mma... Go read now..." Gilligan told his friend, whilst racing off to his bed and taking out a novel.

"I'm bored dude." Hunter said, dimly.

"Huh, oh, uh... Then why don't you... go play a game or something?" Gilligan replied.

Hunter sighed and fell to his bed. "There's nothing to play."

"Oh. Ok. Then why don't you... bother the headmistress. That's always funny!"

Hunter turned to his side. "Eh..."
Gilligan stared at his friend. Then, suddenly he turned to his pocket and took out a yo-yo. "Hey, dude, remember! I was going to teach you that trick! Let's do that!"

Hunter let out another bored sigh.

"Nah. I'm tired of those things."
"Oh." Gilligan started to toy with his yo-yo, doing cradles and walk the dogs and around the worlds and what have you.

"Gahhhhhhhhhhh!!! I want to go outside" Hunter cried.

"W-wha- but.... It's, still raining!" Gilligan replied.

"I don't care! Let's go!"

"But, our coats!"

Hunter grabbed a dilapidated coat. It was filthy, with tears, and holes, also it was still sopping wet, and heavy. He lifted up the coat and placed the sleeve around his arm. As he put it on it made a SQUIIIIIISH sound. Hunter recoiled in disgust. He began to shudder as he put the rest of the coat on.

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