"Ahhhh!" This is boring! Can't we just have Cecile get rid of all of these!?"

"No. I already told you that we can't make frivolous wishes!"


The boys have been at sea for a few days now. Neither had ever been on a ship before, and it took them a while to become accustomed to the sea. They were busy washing dishes when they were suddenly called upon,

"Boys! Come down here! I want you to begin working in the galley!"

"Y-yes sir! Coming!" Gilligan turned to Hunter, "C'mon dude..."

The boys worked hard on the ship, doing various menial jobs day in and day out. They washed the floors and cleaned the dishes. They helped tie the mast and fed the sailors. They moved and counted inventory and maintained the sleeping quarters.

"What's that around your neck, boy?" one of the crew members addressed Hunter.

"W-what, this? I-it's nothing!" he pulled away from the sailor, "It's a family heirloom, it's none of your business!"

At nights, after Gilligan took off to sleep, Hunter would talk to Cecile,

"C-Cecile, could you make this sea sickness go away?"

"It would be a simple matter for me, yes," Hunter laid his head down in misery, "though of course if I were to use my powers on you, I could not guarantee what would happen, so I cannot recommend such actions."

"Oh, yeah. I guess you're right."

Hunter began to silently contemplate to himself, "Hey, what do you know about the man who gave me this coin?"

"Excuse me?"

"The guy, y'know, your previous owner, that Sampson guy..."

"I'm sorry, I do not much know about the subject, I myself have inherited this coin only very recently!"

"Oh. Ok..." Hunter stared out into the sea, "Say, Cecile... What, are you..."
Cecile smiled at Hunter, "I'm afraid that is a secret for now!" as she said this she brought her index finger to her mouth.

After almost a week of travel, the boys made it to their destination,

'Well... Here we are..." Hunter said with a nervous smile. Gilligan merely stared at his feet. Neither boy had ever ventured out past the borders of Port Longstone, and they had no idea what they were to do with themselves.

"Well, I think that we should go find an inn and rest up there," spoke Hunter.

The boys made a fair amount of money for their work. They slept at a decent inn and ate at an inexpensive diner in the morning. They discussed further plans there.

"Man, it says here that 3800 Dire Calamo is, like, on the other side of the country!" Hunter exclaimed.

"I don't think that going by sea is our best bet..."

"Maybe we should have Cecile conjure us up a car!"

"Neither of us knows how to drive!"

"Oh. Yeah... Then maybe we should have Cecile conjure us up a driving teacher!"

"That's obviously not safe!"

"Well we can't cross the country without some sort of vehicle! What do you expect we do, hitchhike?
Gilligan began to think.

"If we're going to cross the country, then we have to be sure to avoid hot zones..."

"Well that's obvious."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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