Heart to Heart

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Hey everybody, please check out my new youtube channel, this is a link to my first video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rf3zAxty8as


Opening up to someone is like bungee jumping dangerous but freeing.


I woke up to the
of my father's electrocardiogram monitoring the electrical activity of his heart.

Each beep is a heartbeat.The book I was reading was now soaked in tears, I've been in here for about 2 days early morning to late night. Two days now and my father has been sleeping a majority of the time. He would only wake up for about an hour each day for us to talk. Now it was about 7:00 pm and need to walk around so I wipe my tears and rise from my chair in the corner of his room to go get a cup of coffee. I must have made some noise because as I rose to the curtain to leave my father's section of the room the man he shared the room with called for me.

" Excuse me young miss"

I pull back his curtains slightly worried he thought it was a nurse walking by.

" Me" I ask frighten

" Yes sorry can I bother you for a favor"

" Of course but am not a nurse"

" No I know could I bother you to had my water on the far side table the nurse moved it when she was taking my blood "

" Oh no problem"

I bought the whole table closer to the man and picked up the cup and straw brought it up to his lips. I overheard the nurse telling him he was going to be bed ridden for about a week or so. I also heard her telling him not to get up. As he drank I could see his features clearer now he was a about 50 years old Caucasian man with a long white strip of gray hair through his jet black hair. He was quite a good looking grandpa . His grey eyes opened so suddenly it shocked the heebie jeebies out of me, but then again a lot of things sacred me now. I pulled the straw out of his mouth and placed the cup back on the table.

"Thank you " he exclaimed

" It not every day you get served by a pretty lady" he continued.

" Well thank you" it was not a creepy comment I could tell he said it to make me smile

" Who is the lucky person your visiting" he asked

" My father "I said

"Oh is it only you visiting where is your mother "

I looked at him with a you don't wanna know glance. I guess he caught on because he said

" Sorry its really not my business to pry" he gave me a sympathetic look.

" No no its ok " for some reason with that look my whole guard came down. I felt as though he genuinely cared like he knew me for years and just now thought it appropriate to ask me more about my life. It was like he wasn't asking for curiosity or to pass the time but to really get to the bottom of things and have a heart to heart. So with that I took a seat and got comfortable because this was going to take a while.

I told him about my mother and father then moved on to the crash.

" Did your father tell you about your mother"

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