Chapter 3

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Snow's POV

After school was over I brought Henry home with me to pick up Charming and go to dinner. We had a great time talking and just hanging out over a fantastic meal at Granny's. As we drove home we jammed out to music on the radio, but when we arrived home the most surprising thing happened. We found Regina knocked out in front of our apartment door. We unlocked the door and Charming helped me carry Regina to the bed. I poured warm water in a bowl and dipped a wash cloth in the water to dab on her head. It wasn't long until she woke up and started asking questions.

"Where am I?" She asked me as I kept dabbing her forehead. 

"You're in our apartment," I replied. 

"How did I get here?" 

"We found you outside our door, and we carried you inside," Charming said, now standing behind me with Henry as I stop dabbing Regina's forehead with the wash cloth.

"Where's Emma? I need to save her from those things," Regina said trying to get out of bed only to fall back down from dizziness. 

"What do you mean 'save her from those things?'" I asked her.

"Emma has been kidnapped by the new strangers in town and before I blacked out they did something to her. It was like seeing it out of a movie. They had really sharp K-9s, and they bit into Emma's neck like it was the easiest thing on Earth to bite into, only to have blood drip down her neck." She explained with tears running down her face.

"Mom, that sounds like a vampire," Henry said sitting on the other side of the bed from where I was, "Are you sure that's what happened because vampires don't exist. They're just myths."

"I know what I saw Henry and that's exactly what happened," She yelled only to run out of breath and hold her head from trying to get up again.

"Well we can't do much now. If they are what you say they are Henry, the new strangers will be going to bed when the sun comes. We'll go to that cabin before dark tomorrow night. Right now Regina you need to get some rest. We all do," I told them as I walked away with Charming taking the dish of water and the cloth with me.

Charming, Henry, and I slept all night while Regina was up all night only to, in the end, sleep most of the day. By the time she woke up I already made lunch for everyone. Just something easy in order to get our strength up, which so happened to be Spaghetti. I set up a bowl for Regina and stuck it in the microwave since I knew it would be cold when she woke up. She slowly made her way over to the kitchen from the bed, not too far away, as I gestured to the microwave to indicate that's where she would find her bowl of food. She heated it up and ate as quickly as she could. Afterward we grabbed our coats and set out for the cabin where Emma was.

Emma's POV

I was in and out of sleep all day from Scott and Skylar drinking my blood. They explained to me that they were vampires and that they were going to drink me to the point of death only to turn me into one of them in the end. They were also going to do it in front of all my family since they knew Regina and all of the family were coming to save me from them. It was night again before I knew it, and I could hear footsteps from upstairs. 

I put my head back on the pillow, that was on the couch I was laying on, waiting for Scott and Skylar to come downstairs to finish what they started. I also tried to get a drink of water from the cup that was sitting on the table near by. To no prevail I knocked it over and tried to relax as they came downstairs.

"Awe, our little pet is thirsty. Scott get some more water. I'll help her sit up," I heard Skylar say as she made her way over to the couch.

She pushed me up from the back and sat behind me to keep me from falling back down. Scott came back with a glass of water and helped me drink from it. He still had a strip of my blood, now dried, coming from the corner of his mouth. I drank slowly as Skylar held me like a mother would a child that was paralyzed. Scott set the cup down after a few seconds just as Skylar slipped out from behind me. I just lied there on the couch as they sat around waiting for Regina to burst through the door frantically and for them to turn me into a blood drinking monster. 

It wasn't long before Regina actually burst through the door. Skylar and Scott went over to where she was. All I heard was a lot of banging as they ran into walls. Before I knew it Regina, Snow, and Charming had there hands tied behind their backs with zip ties while Skylar and Scott led them to the front of the fireplace. I turned my head to look at them as tears ran down my face, and I could see they were very beat up. I turned my head back to look at the ceiling as Skylar said, "We've drained her to point of death, and we already know, that you know, we're vampires. So I won't have to explain what drained means. Anyway you're all here to witness the turning of your beloved daughter and lover. Scott, honey, if you wouldn't mind."

Scott bit his wrist and fed it to me as my family yelled to not drink it. I drank it anyway just to get this nightmare over with and finally go home. I had a burst of energy go through me as his blood flooded down my throat. I grabbed his arm to keep it where it was as I heard all three of my family start crying loudly. Scott soon took away his wrist as I blacked out for good only to hear that my family was going to wake up with no memory of this night, or Skylar and Scott.

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