Chapter One

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The door to a pitch black hall opened slowly as a mysterious figure sneaked through the entrance, paying no attention to all the security cameras watching his every move. As the man adjusted to the darkness, all he could see was the outline of old wood and rusting metal, too decrepit to even hold the weight of a man. He could hear the water dripping from the old pipes and mice running from one side of the room to another. He could smell mold, mildew and the rotting corpses of any animals that were so unfortunate to come across this place. As he walked farther and farther down the hall, he began to see what he was looking for. The door to a dimly lit room at the end of the hall was only slightly open. He slowly walked to the door. He peered inside and saw two figures. He opened the door slowly and slipped inside; hiding behind a desk. He listened to the conversation.

"We cannot release it to the public, Sir. We just can't,"said one of the figures.

"I don't care what you say, this will change the world. My family has been working on this for generations!" Said the other.

"Don't you understand? It is a bad idea. Many people won't be able to survive the change! Millions of people will die!" Said the first man. Who was wearing a torn up suit with one sole missing from his shoe and, had hair the shade of dark chocolate. In his pocket held a old hand held rusted clock. And wore a hat that seemed to be in bad shape. But the rest of him couldn't be made out in the dim light of the room.
"And yet millions will survive don't you see?! It will change human history! Anyway it was bound to happen many people have been researching it! I will be rich don't you see, actually we will be rich! We've been working on this for twelve years! Maybe even more. Harold, just give it a chance," Said the unknown man. His appearance could be barely made out except that he had a light blue torn up shirt with a large coat jacket and a pageboy hat but he had a clock in much better condition.It also seemed as though he was bald.
"Sir I am just saying the world could live without it" said Harold
"Harold just drop it nothing will change my mind, Harold " said Jordan
"Okay, but you have changed Jordan, ever since your father died. I'm just trying to help," Harold said.

"I have told you not to say my name. I don't go by that anymore. This has been my family's legacy for generations and I plan to follow that.

"I understand, Sir," Harold lowers his voice. "Sir, I believe someone is listening." Jordan nods. As if it was planned, Jordan pulled put a hand gun and shot the spy hiding behind the metal desk by the door. The spy who wore a black suit and and mask, began to crawl towards the door to escape. Jordan wouldn't let that happen; he walked towards the injured spy.

"I don't like it when people try to snitch on my conversations," looks of pain and fright were on his face as Jordan bought the barrel of his gun to the forehead of the eavesdropper. "Maybe I could spare you," As Jordan lowered his gun and began to walk away, the look of fear on the spy's face began to vanish. But as quick as the first shot, another rang out as Jordan shot the man in the face, leaving a permanent look of surprise on his dead face. He fell to the ground. "Harold, I expect you to have this cleaned up by tonight," said Jordan.

"Okay Sir," replied Harold. Then Jordan walked into the darkness. "Maybe someday he will be back to the way he was." Harold thought out loud. " and realize what a big mistake immortality is"
"Harold get working."

"Okay, Sir,"

As the night sky awakens with a sudden beam of the sun there is an alert on a monitor in a dark room. A few people in dark purple suits with matching hairstyles come to it startled to see what had appeared. It was that their Agent Bradley had died. Their leader became angered as the others tried to calm him down.
"We will get him and find out what trouble he is up to" said the leader.
"We will Sir, we will," One of them said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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