Chapter 1

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It was a fairly decent June day in terms of weather on that particular afternoon in 1974. Michael Palin dressed in a blue suit much like the one he wore on "Archeology Today" walked out from a cinema in a distraught state. A passerby having noticed him would have immediately noted the strong look of discomfort on his face and the anguish clouding his eyes. Michael ran his hand through his shaggy, fluffy brown hair, took a deep breath and exhaled.

Bloody hell... That film looked like shit... I really hope the Terry's know what they're doing. Still, I guess I shouldn't get too upset about it, it was only the first screening after all, parts missing and much editing needed. But I still can't shake this feeling of disappointment...

In his discomfiture Michael decided to take a little fresh air and struck out for the park at a leisurely walk, head slightly poised downwards and hands in pockets.


"This is an ex-toaster!" Jess insisted hysterically to her flat mate who was slumped on the couch howling with laughter.

"Bereft of toast it rests in peace!"

Upon arriving back at their flat after a day at University, the two girls sat down exhausted when Jess had suddenly remembered that the toaster was broken. She had snatched the toaster from the kitchen counter, brought it before her flat mate, and began to quote the parrot sketch inserting the word toaster instead of parrot. Both of the girls, admirers of Python, simply roared with laughter.

"No, no! It's not dead; it's resting!"

"Well if it's resting I'll wake it up!" Jess tossed the toaster in the air and it hit the ground with a pathetic hollow clunk. The girls screamed with laughter until they could barely breathe. Finally Jess's flat mate suggested they go out and look for a replacement right away. Laughing, Jess grabbed the toaster and tossed it into the rubbish bin as it once again emitted the same melancholy clang. Still giggling, both girls grabbed their purses and staggered out of the apartment into the warm June sun.

Jess and her friend shuffled down the street jovially, tossing Python references at each other the whole while. The warm sunshine augmented their good moods and both girls were basically oblivious to their surroundings—then Jess felt someone's eyes burning into the back of her figure.


Michael on his way to the park had suddenly decided that he wanted to put a more rigorous type of structure in his life and had instead changed his direction in favor of where Italian language classes could be found. As Michael was still upset by the film premiere he hardly moved his eyes from the ground directly in front of him and all sound was blocked by the intense concentration he was paying to his own thoughts.

Deep in thought about his future language class and the horrible quality of the first film showing he continued to stare hard at the ground. Suddenly Michael took his eyes off the ground and they happened to land on a random girl on the other side of the street. Immediately he noted the charming quality she bore with ease. During his staring the girl suddenly became conscious of a set of eyes upon her, looked up, and noticed Michael. Her eyes widened in extreme disbelief as she realized a member of Monty Python was currently staring at her. Evidently a fan, the girl soon collected her wits and confidence and walked approached him.

Jess, the girl who Michael had spotted, could barely walk in a straight line—her heart was pounding and her legs felt like jelly. She couldn't believe she was actually walking towards Michael Palin, that she had actually spotted him on the street. Mike stood rooted to the same spot ever since he had spotted Jess; his own legs weakening at the knees—he was entranced by the way she walked, the way her hair moved about her face, and the way the sun glistened off her beautiful eyes. He uttered a small sigh while Jess was still out of hearing range.

Once she finally reached Mike, Jess noticed the strange look about his eyes—they had a sort of dreamy look to them, as if he was viewing a beautiful piece of art. Michael smiled somewhat dazed and greeted Jess with a cheery hello; his memory of the bad film preview vanished from his head in a matter of seconds.

"I couldn't help noticing who you were... Would you please sign this for me?" Jess asked politely and timidly, not knowing what else to say, as she reached into her pursed to grab a piece of paper and a pen. Due to her afflicted state her hands snatched clumsily at the objects and held them out shakily. Good thing for her Michael hardly noticed—he was too busy worrying about his own sweaty palms.

Still smiling Michael clutched the paper but before he wrote anything he asked for her name. Nervously Jess replied and Michael resumed his task. As he handed back the paper his eyes met hers for no longer than half a second but that half second was enough to communicate an entire novel between the two. With the paper back in possession Jess did not examine it but stood staring at the ground blushing at the emotion she had seen in Michael's eyes. While Jess was incapacitated her flat mate stepped up and asked for Mikey's autograph as well; Michael obliged the smiling girl.

Once Michael had finished Jess and her flat mate said their good-byes and how lovely it was to meet Michael and Michael replied in smiles and a wave. While the two girls made their departure Michael stood staring at Jess as she walked away—he longed to look deeper into those eyes and run his fingers through her soft satiny hair. He took in as much as he could; her hair color, clothes, the unique way she laughed, and her bright, innocent smile. Jess was already on the other side of the street before she realized the piece of paper in her hand; unfolding it she read the following:

"To Jess with love, from Michael Palin"

Jess's heart completely melted at seeing the word love written in Mikey's handwriting. She quickly darted a glance back across the street but by that time Michael had disembarked. Clutching her signed piece of paper close to her heart she and her flat mate spent the rest of the evening giggling about the encounter and looking at toasters and other furniture for the flat. Constantly Jess's mind flickered back to that one moment of eye contact she had so intimately shared with Michael Palin.

It seemed as though he wanted to talk to me more, as though he thought I was pretty or something. I wonder if it could have been a trick of the light or if my brain is playing tricks on me but... I know what I saw... I saw deep, tender emotion in those green-brown eyes. The sweetest eyes I've ever beheld... the sweetest voice that's ever graced my ears. Oh Michael, I hope we meet again.

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