The Day Came

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He was sitting in his room the door shut, it was all happening again.The parents wear at it with each other the troughing of the lamp,  the shouting at the top of there lungs. Unaware of the boy their son was scared and crying not knowing what to do in a panic things rushing through his head "maybe they will stop or will dad go too far and damage mum or if it comes to it will the police come and take dad". he did not want any of this he just wanted for it to all stop. whispering softly tears in his eyes "stop".

morning came and he was still in his room the fight stopped mid way through the night didn't know when. His mum opens the door and baby gate then enters his room walks over the floorboards creek with every step she was looking at him.she was quite tall with long faded dyed hair with dark blue eyes and a sight wallble to her step. He was unsure whether to hug her or run away then she gets down on to the floor and smiles then with a croaky voice says "Is ok I'm here know my little boy" then she burst into tears and gives him a tight hug. He embraced her hug and starts to calm down feeling his mus shaking with fright she was thinking about something the boy didn't quite understand but then. Breaking the silence was dad standing in the doorway he was tall and skinny with blue eyes and in those eyes you could see regret about last night "you alright... look I am sorry about last night but I was angry and confused I didn't mean any of it ok". The mum looked up she had now stop crying she stood up grabbing the bed for support then taking the boys hand, now in a calm soft voice she looks at the boy and said "let's get breakfast"  she looks at the dad he nods understanding what she meant and turns around and walked from the doorway then down the stairs.shortly followed by the mum and boy they walked through the landing that had piles of book, DvDs and clothes. The walls had green striped wall paper with tears in it and brown stains every so often, then the stairs curved round the wall some steps were uneven and there was no banister it was a slow and careful process to get down they lead to the living room that was a faded summer yellow with one large window and a couple of black worn sofas. they entered the small white kitchen with a stained wooden table and a old wooden table with a bowl of cereal on it. Dad put the box back in a cupboard  "let me get a spoon" he then open a drawer and got a spoon placed it next to the boy "thank you" whispered the boy then let of a weak smile he started his cereal coco pops was definitely his favorite by the way he ate it at such speed.

knock knock "whos that" the mum shouted down down the hallway

"Is the social services we are coming for the boy" said a low tone man's voice 

The mum look back at the boy who now stopped eating looking back at her "ok I'm coming" her shaking hand touched the doorknob and opened it  to see three people two men and a woman all wearing smart attire with red lanyard around their necks with their names and details "were is the boy" the man asked again but he did not need an answer the bow shows up grabbing his mums hand.

"hello there little man are you going to come with us " the second man said softly who scans the the boy to understand who they were dealing with.The boy was a young around about 4 was blonde brown unclean and knotty hair had a broad nose was about just under avarage size and weight for his age wasn't too smart ever and to add that was probably from how little he went to school. Since his sister left to live with there nan and granddad he hasn't been out much.  just as his file said , All these elements create a boy who is a reject among his peers unwanted and afraid of connection with society this of which would stay with him for most of his life unable to communicate fearful of people and only knowing the violence and anger of the human race feeling abandonment.

The boy does not give an answer and hides behind his mum

The lady then steps closer "you can trust us come on please"

"NO" the mum stated strongly "YOU CAN NOT TAKE HIM"stepping out of the doorway away from the three people

"we have no choice we have to take him for his safety let us through" the first man howled.

The second man charged into action grabbing the boy by the waist and pulling him of the floor and out of the grip of the mum and leveling for his car the wum collapses onto the floor crying unable to do anything the man and woman stayed with the parents the dad was still  in the kitchen with his hand over his mouth not knowing what to do.looking  at the half empty bowl of coco pops.

The boy was seated in the back seat of the car confused of what happened a mix of emotions he was as silent as ever the man said it would be a short journey we will be there soon. but where the boy though where was he going. looking out the window of the car the boy could see woods full of life he had rarely seen such a thing before he was nod in the huge city now no more tall buildings or pollution from hundreds of cars swarming the streets. suddenly the car turns knocking the boy to the left, "sorry about that " the man the man turned to face the boy we are here now  ready to get out there was no answer "ok then follow me" the man jumps out of the car opens the back door for the boy he hesitantly gets out and starts following the man along a paved path to a house with a front garden with stones all around and plants every meter or so an lady opens the front door of the house "hello there I'm Emma and you will be safe here ok" no answer from the boy but he stepped through the doorway and into the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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