The dragon stone

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Chapter one

Lucas was not your typical ten year old, he was far smarter than everyone else his age. His parents said it was because he was bright, But lucas knew there was something they were not telling him. Lucas usually thought about what it really was that made him different. As he stepped out of his house to go to school he tripped on a rock and fell face first onto the hot gravel outside, Moments later he swore under his breath
when he realised his arm was bleeding. Lucas got up with great difficulty, He noticed the heat on his back and the smell of flowers, he looked at the rock he had tripped on, it seemed to be glowing green as he picked it up and pocketed it. Lucas felt an odd connection to it as he played with it in his pocket on the way to school.

He entered the school grounds in his tattered clothes and no shoes, the heat was burning the soles of his feet. Lucas looked at the school buiding and noticed the usual broken bricks and glass on the floor. But today some thing was different it was closed a huge red banner was draped across the main entrance. Lucas started the hike down the mountain to his village in the hot sun.

He was only half way down the mountain when he smelt smoke and saw flames coming from his village Lucas instantly knew it was the palmdimi army from the symbols on the trucks. He could hear distant screams and a soldier shouting wheres the stone where is it! Lucas saw bodies kneelind in front of the soldiers in a line and then rapid gunfire, he realised his whole family and village had just been slaughtered in cold blood.

He instantly fell to his knees and cried into his hands, moments later a man picked him up and blindfolded him and knocked him out. Lucas later woke up in an unfamiliar room which smelt of bleach, it reminded him of the village hospital except alot smaller. He noticed an unfamilliar symbol of a dragon holding five stones which seemed to be glowing. He reached down for the stone in his pocket only to realise he was wearing a pair of green shorts and a black t shirt with a green dragon holding a stone. Lucas opened the door in the room and stepped out in the nightime darkness, he could make out what appeard to be a training ground and two other people, Lucas stood there waiting.

Chapter two

Lucas found himself finally being noticed by one of the boys who reeked of sweat. It dident take Lucas long to realise the boy was wearing a pair of red shorts with a black shirt with a red dragon with a red stone. The other wearing the same except the symbols were in yellow. The red boy intrudused himslef as James the boy in yellow said he was Andrew but to call him Ad. The three boys began to talk and swap tales about there lives before they woke up in the dojo.

Before Lucus knew it the trainer walked in and told them to go to bed. The trainer was a tall man with coal black hair and wore a different robe each day the robes were brightly coloured with pictures of dragons.
Lucas headed back to his own room and went to sleep, he woke with a start as he was hit by a small plastic ball that the trainer had shot at him. The trainer told Lucas to call him mike and said that the other boys were already awake. Lucas stepped into the morning sun he noticed the dojo was a large cube room with white padded walls and equiptment scattered all over the floor.

Thirty minuites later Lucas started training with the other boys they were mostly learning karate and sparring, at lunch Lucas asked the trainer where his clothes were all the trainer said was "the stone has been melted and its remains will go into four rings you will get more power with each one once you have all four you will be the ultimate warrior"
Ad, eager to find out more said "how many stones are there?"
The trainer replied by saying "five" Lucas thought about this if there were only three of them where were the other two.

Lucas had been sparring for a while so he proposed all three of them fight in a free for all. The trainer liked that idea and commenced the fight, three minuites in James was winning but Ad wouldn't give up and kicked him in the stomach, this caused James to throw up on the floor. The trainer ended the fight and inspected the damage done, he was glad to find out nothing was broken which is what that kicks intended to do, moments later he gave Ad his first ring for expertly kicking him in the stomach, he also gave James one for having tough bones. This left Lucas at a disadvantage because they had extra power and a ring for harder punching.

Chapter three

Lucas was sitting on his bed admiring his room, it was a small square room with a toilet in one corner and and a sink beside it. The room also had a painting of a dragon holding five stones,he wondered about its origins. Lucas got up and jogged out into the morning heat still thinking about the painting.

He was greeted by Ad who was training with his new ring and started chatting and training. Lucas asked how he got there. But Ad did not seem to know, all he knew is he woke up there. James came out of his room and proposed a three way fight. Lucas was unsure because they had the rings and the fight would have to be near the edge which lucas didn't like, they went through the dojo to the crumbling cliff. They started sparring but not for long Ad put a powerful kick into Lucases stomache which caused him to fall of the cliff.

Lucas fell down the mountain smashing his bones on the rocks, he was lucky there was water at the bottom or he would have died Lucas plumeted into the water and drowned slowly.

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