The Flight With Ross

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"Rudolph, where are your parents?" Asks Riker.
"I don't have parents. I'm an orphan," I say. Things get awkward for a second until someone started to talk again. I really enjoyed being with the Lynch clan. They're cool.
The next day during breakfast I was eating my chowder when I was told by an agent that someone decided to foster me for two months. Wow!
They took me up front to meet them. To my surprise it was R5! Really? Yes! Oh, yes!
"Hey Rudolph!" Ross says.
"Hi guys. What is up??"
"Do you want to fly a plane with me today?" Ross asks.
I nearly died. Ross Lynch just asked me to fly a plane with him. Good lord Jesus.
"Yes!" I exclaim.
Later that day in the Lynch's backyard we got into the small plane they owned.
"Are you ready?" He asked me as we stepped in.
"Yeah!" I say.
We go up into the sky.
"So Courtney is your girlfriend?" I ask.
"Yeah," Ross sighs.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
He took a deep breath. "Courtney is a really nice girl and everything but I don't feel a spark between us. It's really bothering me."
I didn't know what to say. I'm twelve, not a love doctor. So I just said the first thing on my mind. "Courtney is very attractive though."
Ross sighed again. "Don't get me wrong, Courtney is really pretty but," he turned his head to look at me, "I think there is someone else." He grabbed my hand and interlaced his fingers. I gulped.

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