Chapter 2

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He walks out my classroom, leaving the atmosphere gloomy and vaguely despressing. I stare at the door for another while longer, feeling as if I missed something in the conversation.

"Good bye? Odd."

Something drops to the floor in a crumbling manor. Turning on my heels I face the crunched up parchment that now lays on the floor.

I feel bad for the little bit of parchment and even worse for allowing Potter to walk out of here in tears; yet satisfied none the less.

Scooping up the paper ball, I carefully unravel it with the hope of no rip or tears. I blink at astonishment as I bring the paper more to the light and look at the beautiful drawing of me.

It's a weird interpretation of me, with black feather as my hair and my eye's have more of a raven shape, but all in all it's breath taking.

I'm taken back by such a drawing of myself. I smile to it and barely notice someone walking up behind me and coughing in my ear; startling me from my thoughts and bring my attention to the man... away from Potter's drawing.


I sigh. Lucius Malfoy. He stands there with his hip pushed out to his left a little, his cane hanging from his one gloved hand and his platinum hair just below his arse now held in an elegant green ribbon.

I scowl, but give a half hearted smile to the man; who I once considered a friend, now a pain.

"Lucius, so, good to see you."

He flashes me a smile with his white teeth and chuckles.

"I know it is. Severus is has been far to- what is that in your hand?" He snarles and snatches it out my hands.

"It's a self portrait by on of my students."

I don't want to say which student for I would never live this down. I glance at the drawing in his hand and question what it could mean and why I got one.

"Severus, this... Well, it's remarkable! I mean extraordinary, Severus, honestly, I must have my portrait done by this student."

That answer was very unexpected. I almost want to tell him that the child he hates was the one who made the portrait; just tk see his face... sadly I did not.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you. This student was originally going to throw this in the rubbish bin."

I studied his expression closely and wince when he focuses back on my drawing. His blue eye's sparkle with determination that would make any Slytherin envious.

"Very well, how much for it?"

"Pardon?" I couldn't believe this.

"Name your price my friend and I can make it happen. Money, ingredients, women, men? Although, I personally would it it to me for free." His eye's glowed with a dangerous fire.

I fought hard to not tell him to fuck off, but I could only bite my tongue and hope for the best. I shook my head and grasped my gift back.

"Not for sale." I bark.

"I see, very well. I will figure out this little artist and get them to paint me. Fair well Severus, Oh, yes. I was sent here to give you this."

He pulls an envelope from his robe and I carefully pluck it from gloved fingers. I look the letter over and with only my name on it I know whom it's from.

Sighing I toss it on my desk and escort the eldest Malfoy out of my classroom. I at one point admired Lucius and even so far had a few love affairs with the man, but now that I'm older, he is just a rich snob.

I brush my fingers over the quill strokes. I marvel at the drawing for seems like an eternity. Wondering if any hints of the reason of the drawing was on the back, I flip it over. On the back there's a note and I take a deep breath; reading the words carefully.

Dear Severus Snape

I was expecting you to reject me and the drawing. This will seem pathetic and believe me if it goes according to plan you won't have to rub it in me face and you won't find me. I didn't right my location because I'm not telling you where I am or what's going to happen to me... because I don't know.

I love you so very much and I knew that I loved you from first year. I'm sorry for looking like my father, for my mother not picking you, for all the sadness I've caused you.

Please just forget me

Harry Potter.

I drop the parchment and feel everything slow down. My heart feels close to shutting down, for once again I would be the reason for someone's death.

I was supposed to protect him and now...

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