The Lackey {Short story}

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We were told to write a snippet from another point of view, from the book Tom Appleby: Convict Boy. If you haven't read it you should it is an amazing book...

Ohhh and by the way SPOILERS!!!

This is from the POV of one of Benny’s Lackeys when he stones Tom’s Father to death.

I watched the boys face as I pelted him and his blasphemer of a father with stones. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I wish Benny hadn't talked me into this, I wish I could be one of the innocents standing at the side. I know Benny would blame it on us; He would never take the blame. The blasphemer’s head was limp, he wasn’t moving.  I started to worry, we killed him, what if Tom told, what would happen to us, and would we be in trouble with the law for killing this disgrace of a man. I stopped for a moment to observe our handy work, Tom looked like he was about to cry, he was bleeding from his neck and was trying to get the mud covered man in the stocks to talk to him. I hesitated in throwing another stone.  Benny and the other boy he roped into this was still throwing rocks, picking up on my hesitation Benny elbowed me, telling me to keep going, thinking it could do no harm I kept throwing rocks.  Tom turned to face us “STOP!” he yelled, we laughed uneasily Benny threw one last rock, and it didn’t even reach Tom. We turned our backs and walked away. Thinking to myself ‘I’m lucky I won’t have to see Tom again, he’ll go to work in the workhouse, the chimneys if he’s lucky.’  


Snippet from the completed story which will be posted if i get enough votes... Say maybe 5... X3

Love you guys


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