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Emiles P.O.V

I walked over to (y/n) calmy, I didn't want her to be suspicious. I take a deep breath. "Oh,hi Emile." (y/n) said smiling. "This is Jack, my boyfriend." Jack gave me a cold stare, and I gave one back in return. Jack ended up eating with us and sat next to (y/n), and that was my spot. Jack kept elbowing my ribs and smirking at me. He was a real jerk.

We walked around shopping center just looking for clothes for the up comming rain, and seeing (y/n) and Jack kissing and holding hands and giggling. I was getting sick and tired of it.

After our little "hang out" we went our separate ways.
"Whats wrong with you Emile, weren't you happy hanging out with (y/n)?" Tim asked. I was enraged, I looked at Tim and just sighed.
"You don't like Jack do you Emile?" Jon asked sighing a bit. "We need to at least pretend to for (y/n)s sake." I nodded, to angry to say anything else.

Readers P.O.V
"Those are the youtubers you like? They're just a bunch of idiots." Jack said with anger in his voice. "Don't hang out with them or even have their number." I sighed and looked at Jack. I had a choice to make here, Emile and the others, or Jack. "Why?" I asked. He turned to look at me and got up from his chair, beer cans around him. The first thing that crossed my mind was, He's Drunk.
Warning, abuse will be in this next part, skip ahead if you don't feel comfortable.
He slapped my face and I held my hand over it. "You don't talk back to me!" He yelled pushing me to the ground and held my arms above my head. I was so scared, I kicked his crotch and while he bent over I ran to the bathroom, locking it.
"Please help me." I texted a message to Emile and Jon for their help. Just as it sent, Jack busted through the door and he dragged me out. He slammed my body against the couch and sat on my back. He lift my shirt up and began to play with my body, licking it and making me uncomfortable. Tears flowed down my cheeks as he toyed with me. I opened my mouth, but only silence. Jack sits up and thats when I slap him. I slap him until my body was loose enough to run. I run to the room and slam it closed, pushing my desk in front of it. I sat there crying, his fists banging on the door and the sound of his yelling.
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Just then, I hear a bang. I look at the door and everything goes quiet. A quiet knock knocks at the door with the sound of a sweet voice. "(y/n)? It's Emile."

Whew! that was an adventure. See you in the next one guys :D

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