Family reunion

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Piper's POV

I woke up with less pain than the last couple of days. I was on a couch at Sonja's house she walked in a minute later. "Good to see you awake." She said with a smile. I nodded I was still traumatised from the events that happened a few days back. "Who brought me here?" I asked with a raspy voice. She noticed my voice and handed me a glass of water and replied. "Tom did because Jordan dropped us off at the Fortress of Fury and he had given long piggyback rides before so, he brought you back here and I put clean bandages on for you." "Thank you Sonja." I thanked her with a genuine smile on my face. "No problem, you're like a sister to me so I will be there if you need me." She said as she got up and walked away but before she walked out of the room she said. "Oh also, Ianite is back." With those words she left me in shock. 'She's back I need to go see her.' I thought. I got up but had a hard time walking so I summoned a staff that was made of birch wood and began to walk to Jordan's place.

I was walking when I decided to stop by Tucker's to say hi, he was out in the courtyard so, as I walked up he noticed me, stopped what he was doing and ran over and gave me a bear hug, but was gentle because of my 'wings'. Tucker was like an older brother to me he was always there for me, like Sonja. "Piper I'm so glad you're okay." "Dude, chill in fine I just need to learn how to become used to having no wings." I said when he stopped the embrace. "Okay I'm just making sure you're okay." He sighed. "I know well gotta go see ya later Tucker." I said as I walked away from the Dojo and to the Fortress of Fury. I walked up when I saw Ianite talking to Jordan a smile crept its way onto my face Jordan looked up and noticed He smirked Ianite turned around and looked at me she smiled and ran up and hugged me, Tears spilled out of my eyes as we hugged. I missed her so much, she was the motherly figure in my life and still is.

"I missed you so much." I chocked out. "I missed you too my little Pip." She replied in a soothing way. We let go of each other and my back started to hurt again I winced and Ianite noticed. "Oh My, what happend to your wings?!" She asked in a worried tone. "Th-They..." I couldn't finish my sentence so Jordan asked Ianite to talk to him for ainute so when they came back she came back with tears in her eyes Jordan must've told her because she hugged me gently and started crying so I just hugged her and comforted her until she calmed down. "It's okay Ia,  it's not your fault." I said on a calming tone. "I know I just wished it didn't happen." She said quietly. "I will be okay, I always am." I replied with a smile.

After that, we all chatted and I went back to Sonja's place since my house was still being made by the Wizards so I layed on the couch and fell asleep

The Darkness Fades - A Mianite Fanfic {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now