A. Agree - Alex

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I look up at Alex. Why not. I followed him to the Academy's rooftop. He open the door for me to go though. The wind hit my hair making it fly. The rooftop had a small garden and a glasshouse. Now I know where the school's ingredients are so fresh. There was a wooden bench in front of the glasshouse and under a huge apple tree. Alex walked out of the door and went straight to the bench. He sat down and wipes the seat for me to sit.
Alex: Here.
(Y/n): Thanks.. *sits next to Alex making a space between*
Alex: *closes his eyes and sleep*
(Y/n): *starts opening my bento* ..... *stares at Alex*

He looks so tired. I wonder if he walks up so early in the morning helping those students every single day. If I ever done that I'll be so sleepy too. The wind hits the trees' leaves making a soft sound with the birds chirping. It's so peaceful. Little of sunlight made Alex's hair shine bright red. I ate my lunch alone without having a conversation with him. Anyway. Why did he need me here? I put my bento back in my bag and about to leave him alone.

Alex: Wait... Sit back down. *yawns*
(Y/n): oh you're wake.. *sat back down*

Alex moves his body horizontal way to me, having his head laying on my lap. My body flinch.

Alex: My theory was right...
(Y/n): Huh?!
Alex: I notice your legs looks soft like a pillow. *yawns* it feels so much better in person.

I felt creeped out for Alex looking and using my legs for his lack of sleep. I let him sleep for a while. I watched how he slowly breathes and I automatically stoke his red hair. He purr. This reminds me of back home when my little brother, (h/n), had a hard time sleeping. I miss that. After that I fall a sleep.

[Some chapters doesn't have a route so just head to "School Clubs"]

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