And He's Not Coming Back

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Nyla's P.O.V

"No, Lisa, it's part of history, not science. . . Yeah, I know, but- . . . Oh
Come on, it's not that bad, you know that we can just replace it with something else. . . Okay, that was really rude, this conversation is over, see you tomorrow, goodbye."

I shut off the phone with a sigh, wondering why I got stuck with Lisa of all people. Probably because my history teacher is a jerk. I hate partnering up with people who think I'm snobby and narcissistic. I think I'm a pretty pleasant person, so why can't others give me a chance before judging me?

It drives me crazy. I lost a lot of potential friends because they decided to judge me before they got to know me.

Sometimes being outgoing sucks.

I started up on my homework, inwardly cursing my math teacher for giving such hard homework. I'm not dumb, but I'm not super smart either. I have no idea why, but my math teacher doesn't seem to get it. He thinks I'm some sort of genius, and always gives me homework one level harder. It kinda helped me improve in math, but no way was I going to admit that to him. He would just give me triple the difficulty.

My mind wandered back to Ramon, his sad but bitter smile lingering in my head.

I think you know, he had said to me, and his words echoed in my ears.

He was right. I do know. But oh, how I wish I didn't.

Just then, the home phone rang, and I went downstairs to answer it, since Eric was out and wouldn't be home until later. As soon as I picked up the phone, I knew something wasn't right.


"Hi, can I speak to Nyla Farrow?"

"That's me. Is everything okay?"

"I'm afraid not. It's about your mother. A witness called the ambulance when your mother fainted at work. She is currently in Westbrook Hospital and we have some bad news for you. Are you sitting down?"

I nodded, but then realized that the person on the other end couldn't see me. "Yes." I amended.

"I'm so sorry to be the one to bring this upon you, but. . . your mother has cancer."

And that's when my world shattered into a billion pieces.


"Nyla! Oh what a cutie you are!" My Aunt Claire cooed, pinching my cheeks and picking me up. "How old are you, baby?"

"Three!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air.

My aunt pitched my cheeks again, and then put me on the floor so I could run around.

This was the second time my aunt had met me, the first was when I was five months old, and the second was now. My aunt and uncle had gone for a vacation, and they had just recently returned.

My uncle, my moms younger brother, came ambling in with a two giant boxes wrapped up neatly with bows on top. He placed it on the ground, and sat on the couch, calling me to him.

"Come here, Nyla." He said. "I gotta present for you."

I wobbled over to my uncle and sat on his leg, my mom and my aunt emerging from the kitchen, six year old Eric in hand.

"Do I get a present?" Eric asked softly, being the shy and quiet child he was. My uncle Keith grinned at him, ruffling his hair.

"Of course you do, buddy." Uncle Keith said, pointing to the gift equally as big as mine. "That ones yours. Wanna open it together?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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