Out of breath

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I looked at the man standing at my door. He looked very professional and businesslike. "I have some new about your parents."
"What is it?"
"They are both in the hospital. They got into an accident because they were drunk driving."
I was kind of sad, but it really was their fault. Tonight was my night, the night I had alone, and I didn't want to ruin that. Also I couldn't just leave Leila here.
"You can come with me, or you can come tomorrow."
"I think I'll stay here. I had some things planned with a few friends."
"Ok." He stood up and started walking out the door. Right as he was walking down the steps, Dinger and Bobby showed up.
"Who was that guy?" Bobby asked me.
"It was... I really don't know who he was. But he was here and he told me that my parents are in the hospital. They got in an accident. But I'm gonna wait until tomorrow to go."
"Ok." Dinger said smiling his trademark smile at me.
Jesus Christ that boy gets me everytime. They walk into the house and go straight to my room. I follow after them.
"Wow Ashley, you have a nice house." Dinger said amazed.
"It's not that big of a house, compared to some other peoples."
We walked into my room and Leila was sitting there.
"Ashley where's my pop... Ooooohhhhh." She looked at Bobby and Dinger.
"That's not the reason why. My parents are I the hospital for drunk driving. Well serves them right."
"Oh come on Ashley don't be rude." Bobby looked over at me. I gave him a death glare.
"I can do whatever the hell I want. It's my house Bobby." He chuckled and stood back with his hands up. Dinger went and lied down on my bed.
"Well... I'm going to go get some popcorn and blankets. And pillows. In the meantime, you guys pick out a movie. I will be back soon."
I went to the kitchen and started making popcorn. You know how the process goes. After I made that I took it back to my room. They were all sitting on my bed laughing like maniacs. They saw me come in and laughed even more.
"You guys are acting like maniacs." I said with a chuckle.
I went to my parents room and grabbed spare pillows and blankets. When I got to my room, they had a movie picked out. I set up the boys bed, cause I guess they were staying. Haha I didn't agree to any of this. Whatever though. I get to spend the night with Dinger. After I'm done setting up the bed, Leila comes over to me.
"Ashley, I think Dinger likes you."
"No way. He would never want a girl like me." My heart started pounding.
"Well the way he always looks at you, it's kinda obvious."
Oh crap. Why was this so bad? I don't know what to say. I kinda just stare at her.
"By the way, can you get us some ancho or something. Like beers and vodka and a couple cups. And shot glasses. Never mind, just bring what you have. But don't forget the cups." She whispers to me, then winks. I laugh and walk out the door. I turned around and froze. I think I forgot to tell you guys that I had an older brother.
"What the hell do you think you're doing missy?!"
"Just going to get something for me and my friends to drink, that's all."
"Better not fuck anyone tonight or imma slit your throat."
I nod and walk to the kitchen. He scares me. And grosses me out. I got all the drinks and take them to my room.
"Hey everybody Ashley's here with the drinks!" Said Bobby
"Let's get this party started!!" Replied Leila. She looked at Bobby and they just looked at eachother for a minute.
"Ahem... Guys."
They stopped staring and ran up to me. They got a beer each and started drinking. I turned to Dinger and he was sitting on my bed, looking at me.
"Like what you see?" I said, laughing. He snapped out of his trance and looked at me.
"Maybe, but we will never know unless you let me sit by you." Jesus. Nest comeback ever. I laugh.
"Whatever Dinger." I say to him, smiling. I pop the movie in and go sit by Dinger. Why did they choose this? Seriously like Frankenstein out of all movies. I crack open a beer and offer one to Dinger. He takes it. Well, this night was gonna be fun, I thought to myself. Right when it was the middle of the movie, I looked over at Bobby and Leila, and they were kissing! Like full on making out. Gross. Well maybe not really but still. I guess Dinger was thinking of doing the same to me, which I wanted, cause he put his arm around me. Just like you see in movies. I just sat there completely still. Now, at this time, we had had a few beers each. And we were a little drunk. He looked over at me and looked into my eyes.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, Ashley."
He came in closer to me and planted a kiss on my mouth.

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