The Girl Who Cried Wolf

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Her entire body was numb, limp.

Her exposed neck was on the beheading block, wet from Lord Eddard's blood.

She couldn't hear anything, everything she saw seemed to be painted in black and white, the only colour she could see was Eddard's red blood splattered in front of her.

She could feel Joffrey's eyes on her, and Cersei's smug smile.

"Joffrey, dead. I want her dead, you don't understand what she's capable of, please!"

Cersei's voice was distant, it seemed miles away.

I lost another father.
I'm lying in his blood.
It's alright though
I'll be with him soon
This is what was meant to happen to me anyway, right?
Executed at Kings Landing?
Well I'm glad
Now I can keep Robb's promise
I'm going to die a Stark

                            ~Carvers POV~

It took the entire clan to restrain Carver, Luna and Quiver, as they fought to get to up front.
Carver still couldn't believe what he had just witnessed, they killed him. They really killed him! And now, they were going to kill his sister. He hadn't stopped her fate, only delayed it.

"Cullen! Let me go! I am your leader!" He snarled and twisted in his grasp, but his arms may as well have been made of stone.

"You go after her you die! Look at all these guards! Look at her Carver, she's not even fighting!"

At his words, the three looked up with tears blurring their vision to see a horrible sight.
Cullen was right, Kat just led there. Unmoving. Slumped over while the Lannisters laughed and mocked her.

"What's the matter with her?" Luna whispered desperately,

"She... she's gone into some state of shock!" Quiver was shaking, biting down on his lip.

"She's not going to fight back, her hands aren't even bound!"

Carvers heart was beating fast, and he could feel a vile taste in his mouth.

"I can't lose her again! Not like this!"

Closing his eyes, tears began to flow down his cheeks and his body racked uncontrollably with sobs. He felt like a child.

"Tears won't save her now" Cullen said coldly, but his voice was high and cracked.

"Neither will you lot holding us back!" Quiver snapped, glaring at the clan.

"Shut up will you! You'll draw attention! We can get out of here, now!"

Suddenly Astrid stepped in, "We can't leave without her! She's one of us, in fact she's been apart of this clan for longer than any of us here"

This is ridiculous, she's up there about to be killed and we're stood here bickering.

"But we can't just go running up there, we'll all be killed!"

Carver hated it, but Cullen was right. His heart dropped like a stone,

"I'm going to lose her again" he choked, going limp in Cullen's hold. Suddenly, beside him, Carver heard a snarl. It was Luna.

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