Part 8

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For two weeks Grace somehow managed to avoid Steve. She had removed his stitches but was in the middle of a discussion with Helen so she had barely had time to check the wound had healed. I'm not getting involved. It's not worth the hurt and the risk when we have to work together. Somehow she hoped if she gave it some time the feelings would settle and they could be friends.

After a full on day reading Dr Cho's research and designs, Grace was sitting in the lounge late one night with a wine and a book, trying to make her brain stop thinking so she could sleep. She was startled when she looked up and saw Steve walking in, wearing only a pair of cotton shorts. Judging by his hair he had been in bed for a while already.

"Jeez, Grace, sorry." He said, folding his arms over his chest. "I'm not used to anyone else being up in the middle of the night."

She tried to avert her eyes from his bare chest. It wasn't easy. "It's ok, I was about to go to bed anyway," she lied.

"You stay, I should go." He turned and went back down the hall and Grace closed her book, taking a long slow mouthful of her cool crisp wine.

Wait, are you disappointed? That he's not chasing you, or that he took away his half-nakedness? You're a doctor and supposed to be immune to muscled bodies!

Steve was standing in front of her again and she was snapped out of her thoughts. He was only slightly more dressed, he now had a singlet on that really did nothing in the way of covering him. If anything Grace thought it might be worse. He sat down on the couch next to her and she drew her feet back to make room.

"Grace, um... are you avoiding me?"

"No, why?"

"It's just, we went out, and you haven't really talked to me since. Did I do something? Say something?"

"No, Steve. But you're right, I have been avoiding you. I was a bit confused. I thought we went on a date, but then you said you didn't want any of that. I hoped if I stayed out of your way for a while the feelings would dissipate and we'd just be friends."

"Oh." He sighed and looked down at his hands.

"Did I misunderstand?"

"Yes and no,"

"Can you tell me what you want?"

"I'm not sure to be honest."

To Steve's surprise, Grace laughed. "You see why I was confused, then."

He smiled, one of his gorgeous smiles that lit up his face and crinkled his blue eyes. A smile that reminded Grace he was human, no matter what else. Steve reached out and took Grace's hand in his. His large strong hands were softer than she expected and he ran his warm thumb over her knuckles.

"I don't know what I'll want in the future. I do want to date you, though. After that, see what happens? I wish I was a regular guy who could offer you a regular future with a house and wedding and babies, but I can't promise that."

"Regular is overrated." Grace smiled. She brought his hand to her cheek and he brushed his fingertips over her cheek bone, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. He leaned toward her, until their faces were almost touching, his eyes burning in to hers and flicking down to her mouth. Grace could feel his breath on her face as he closed the space between them and softly kissed her lips. She felt his warm smooth lips on hers, his fingertips on her cheek and jaw. He lingered a few moments before pulling away, keeping his hand on her cheek and his eyes closed, their foreheads and noses just touching. Grace leaned in to him this time, pressing her mouth to his and sucking gently on his bottom lip. Eventually she parted her lips and flicked her tongue as light as a feather against his lips, and he gave her access eagerly, his tongue mingling with hers slowly and gently. Grace brought her hand to his neck, stroking gently just under his jaw, and she kept it there when their lips parted. Her head spun, she would never have dared imagine that he would be so soft and slow and gentle, and she could feel herself blushing under his intense blue gaze.

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