"pissed the fuck out"

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as y'all already know im a gal thats always mad.

and me being always mad this just threw me off.

i was casually looking at the snapchat stories all chill right.

and i come across a pic of a couple of girls wrist red lines drew in with a marker, obviously symbolizing cuts/self harm, with the caption:

"acting all depressed"

and i just fuckin couldn't.

i self harmed, and im better now ive been clean for about a year now? and yes i have had urges god so many urges.

and it ticks me off that this girl thinks self harm is a joke. its not. and i know it shouldn't be a romanticized topic, but its a hella fucking fragile topic.

and for her to fucking publish that not knowing what person she has in her snapchat might offend or trigger them, is just insensitive and fucking rude af.

it got me thinkin'...

is that what people who don't suffer from depression see us?

like we are some attention craving buttheads that cut for fun?

its wrong in so many levels like how would you feel if you had an illness and people were making jokes about like its no deal.

to think that i actually liked her crusty blonde ass. fuck that bitch i don't hang out with people who think and joke about serious topic such as this one.

its not okay to joke about self harm, depression, anxiety etc...

people should know that by now.

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