Chapter Nine: He Who Remembers

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Author's Notes: Oh my Goddddddd HELLO GUYS. I am MAJORLY sorry for abandoning this. I had this thing called a life and they distracted me from this fanfic. It's been a year and I'll start by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR guys. I have sad news to say. I'm not sure if I might be making fanfics anymore though Percy and Nico will forever be in my heart, I'm just not sure if I'm up with making fanfictions. Oh noes, that sounds bad. Let me clear up a few. I'm in a jumble right now. I'm not gonna be making smut fics. I might make a couple fanfics but not PJO based. But if it will be PJO, it will always be Percico (or Nicercy). I guess that's all I have to say. Comment if you wanna let me know anything. Again, I'm sorry. And this chapter is awfully short.

One more thing, the next chapter will be the last ;-; It's been fun with you guys. But it's time to end this. I've been planning the ending since the beginning and, let's face it, I can't prolong this any more I can. Next chapter will be up within this month. I'm sure of it.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. All rights go to their rightful owner.

What The Nefarious Carnival Does To You

Chapter Nine

He Who Remembers

The troubled Necromancer wanders outside the main room and takes in a deep breath. Why oh why did he have to be victimized to such things. And who could've been so against him as to wash away his memory?

Nico decided to find Hazel once more. He needs to vent and just feel like he had a sister again. Again...

Clearing his thoughts, he hastened his pace once the Siren came into his line of sight. Something about him made him feel jittery. He didn't affect him this much before. So, what changed?

Glancing at Percy from his peripheral vision, his heart starts to pump faster. "What the hell?" Nico muttered under his breath.

The green-eyed carnie was talking to Rachel and Octavian. He laughed at something Rachel said, which was probably another insult about Octavian seeing as the blonde looked pissed off. Oh, that laugh. Even from a few feet away, he could hear the sweet voice of the Siren. It was almost enchanting. Almost...

"Hypnotic." Nico's eyes widened as he froze in his tracks.

No way. It couldn't possibly be Percy even though he's been acting a little weird lately. Yes, Nico has noticed the small hesitations whenever Percy was around him. He thought nothing of it before but now... He hurried to find Hazel.

"I sense that, yes, there is something. But it is not my place to tell you." Anteros chuckled.

Hazel was fanning herself as she jumped in her seat. "How do I approach him? Gosh, I should confirm it first." she bit her lip. Nico entered the room and got the attention of the two. Seems like Anteros has been doing well since he's up and about.

"Hazel, I think I have an idea who..." Nico trailed off as he saw Anteros smile knowingly at him.

"What?" He grunted.

"Nico, is it? I can tell you're having problems with your... significant other." He said. Nico faced him with his eyes furrowed. "What are you talking about? I don't have a significant other." He huffed and crossed his arms.

Hazel looked surprised and sat both of them down. "Listen to him, Nico. He's unlike any other ordinary man out there. He can actually sense if there's a connection between two other people. He's like a god! Of requited love, that is."

Nico glared at the ground. "So what does this have to do with me?"

Anteros hummed and leaned back thoughtfully. "Have you experienced anything lately? Perhaps someone acting a little different towards you? Someone who tried to take what was yours?" He heard the grin in his words like it was taunting him. But looking back at him, he saw genuine eyes, not mocking ones. He couldn't possibly have known.

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